To install Expert Lotto 5 on your computer, pick one of the installation packages listed below.
System Requirements
- Operating system:
- MS Windows (11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP)
- Mac OS X 10.6 or higher
- Linux
- Unix or any other operating system which supports JRE 17
- 64-bit operating system is recommended so that Expert Lotto can use the maximum amount of available free memory.
- Java Runtime Environment version 17 or higher. You can get Java for free here.
- Minimum hardware: Pentium CPU, 512MB RAM, 100MB of free disk space, 1024x768 screen resolution.
- Recommended hardware: Dual Core CPU, 2GB RAM, 1GB of free disk space, screen resolution higher than 1024x768.
Installation Instructions
- Download one of the installers listed above according to your operating system.
- Open the downloaded installer to start installation wizard.
- The wizard will guide you through the installation process. You will be prompted to choose the folder to install Expert Lotto 5 to.
- After installation you can start Expert Lotto from the Start menu on MS Windows or from system Dock on Mac OS X.
Note: If you have problems installing Expert Lotto on your computer, check if you have any antivirus or firewall software running. Sometimes the security software may get overly protective and prevent Expert Lotto installer from starting. In such a case try disabling the security software temporarily. Also make sure that you are running the installer as a user with sufficient access privileges. And remember you need Java runtime version 17 or better.
If you still cannot install Expert Lotto, download the ZIP package, extract the downloaded file to any folder on your disk and run Expert Lotto using expertlotto file in bin subfolder.
Download Expert Lotto 4.x
If you are still using Expert Lotto version 4.x and you need to reinstall the application, please continue here.
Also consider upgrading to the latest version of Expert Lotto 5.