We have a new plugin that allows optimizing the coverage of pairs/triplets/quads of your tickets in the package.
The plugin appears as a new filter in the Filters menu. You may select a set of numbers and then let the Optimizer to cover all pairs/triplets/quads combinations of these numbers with as few tickets from the package as possible.
The panel shows numbers from the package in bold italics, numbers in plain font do not occur in the package.
So you may choose the range of numbers to be 1 to 16, swap numbers on the panel and then optimize the package to cover all triplets from your 16 numbers with as few tickets as possible.
The Calculate Coverage button shows how many pairs/triplets/quads are currently covered from the selected range of numbers.
So go ahead and try it out, the final version of this Optimizer will be merged into the main application in the next Expert Lotto release.
The plugin dowload link is here: http://www.expertlotto.com/files/tmp/optimizer-1.0.0.plugin
You will also need the new version of the Expert Lotto library: http://www.expertlotto.com/files/tmp/expertlotto.jar