Who won the Jackpot?

Who won the Jackpot?

Postby stan » Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:31 pm

according to a post at lotterypost.com discussion board some expert lotto user won the jackpot using the wn history features:


so congratulations to whoever that person is! :cool:
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I know how they won!

Postby Alcymart » Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:28 am

There is only 1 sure way to win the jackpot with Expert Lotto after 2 weeks day and night experimenting. As I am writing, I am amazed nobody thought of that yet especially the author. It works so well that my next post will probably be about me winning the next Jackpot with Expert Lotto. I would be willing to tell everyone, but I don't want the authors to take out this incredible software as everyone that purchased Expert Lotto deserves a Jackpot win. It's my only fear so I will keep it to myself for now. Stan, if you are reading this, I am very serious. I don't know why you could of missed this, and you can delete my post if you want. I just wanted this to be known, but I don't know if I should say it. I do know why the one that won the jackpot won't say anything. That's the way people are. I won't hesitate to say I won the jackpot when I do. You will be the first to know as you are the moderator and read all the posts I would think.
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who won=how

Postby jimbo » Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:16 pm

how about a little idea? :motz: like a starting point.
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who won=how

Postby daniel » Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:56 am

Only a guess but it probably has something to do with 20# Serotic type wheels?.
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A Few Clues...

Postby Alcymart » Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:10 am

First of all, you don't need to predict 11 columns to get the winning jackpot combination. I even got it down to predicting only 4 columns and left with the jackpot ticket! As a matter of fact, you don't need to predict if it will go up or down. If you think you will get more combinations if you cover the minuses - and pluses + look again! Test column by column and look how the filter filters and to what amount each of them do this. Once you figured that out, it will get you thinking... There... that should get you going in the right direction. Here is another small clue: what if you could get it down to 1 prediction of 1 column=1 ticket to validate? You could then have only a few very possible winning tickets of the jackpot! Ok, your chances to win it are not 100%, it's more like 50/50% to be exact. But that will not happen every draw. Observe the min and max for each draw. Some of them are low. When it will come, you will then have 1 out of 2 chance to grab it. Enough clues for now,...as for predicting the next winning ticket, don't look at it that way or you will end up trying to predict all 11 columns. The right time will come! It always comes! Good luck to all! Expert Lotto is the absolute best!!
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Postby Alcymart » Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:14 am

It has nothing to do with that. this was just part of my homework I was doing that didn't lead me anywhere. I know I am on to something now! Don'y predict, ... instead cover all possibilities. Too many combinations? Not really because you can filter massively and safely with Expert Lotto's excellent filters. Learn them by hard, and know what each does exactly, but especially check the WN history sums filter! That's where it all happens!
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Postby niceguy » Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:47 am

How interesting. Are you saying that we should stick to the same differences on a lot of the colums each week & only vary a few of them in the hope that sooner or later you will strike something?
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Postby Alcymart » Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:58 am

Don't vary them. Don't try to predict!!Cover everything and then filter down safely. When it comes, you will have the winning ticket. Only Expet Lotto can filter down safely. Study the filters and go by the stats to filter down. You don't want to filter out the good ticket!
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Postby niceguy » Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:02 am

Thamks for that. Just wondering how you "filter down safely".
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Postby Alcymart » Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:19 am

After filtering safely, choose the 10 best tickets filter if you have doubts. You will win smaller prizes and at least come out even most times.
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Safe filtering

Postby Alcymart » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:08 am

You can filter down safely getting rid of milions of combinations at a time with the number position filter. The chances of taking out the winning ticket is almost non existent. Look at the stats first and then keep all those that are due most. It's that easy.

You can also use the even/odds filter and remove the 6-0 and 0-6, also the sum filter, look at the stats and remove the non likely sums out of there in the low end high end range. In the WN History, filter down to -5+50 in every column thus knocking off millions of combinations while preserving the good ticket.

If 1-2-3-4-5-6 comes out , your cooked but it won't happen in 1000 years so with the above filters, you can consider your jackpot ticket intact! Once the above done, use the best ticket filter and go for the amount of tickets within your budget. Be prepared to wait until this is done. It can take hours or a day to get the 20 best tickets out of 100,000 combinations left in the package, but WoW, they are great tickets! You will win small prizes but everytime you do this, you always get a crack at the jackpot and other good division prizes! Good Luck!
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Postby stan » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:45 am

you seem quite excited, alcymart ;-)
when you hit the jackpot, please do let us know, it's always nice to hear that someone's has made her first steps :-D
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Postby Alcymart » Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:00 am

Ok, well while we wait for me to get the big one, can you tell me how I can make a series of tickets like this...

I want all numbers from 1 - 49 in all combinations, so that's 49 entries minimum, and I want to add to each number it's less frequent or most frequent pairing, triplet , quad or pentad?

What is the fastest way to do this Stan?
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Postby stan » Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:39 am

I want all numbers from 1 - 49 in all combinations, so that's 49 entries minimum, and I want to add to each number it's less frequent or most frequent pairing, triplet , quad or pentad?

What is the fastest way to do this Stan?

you can find most/least frequent pairings in number matrix stats but i don't have any solution for triplets/quads/pentads except for going through the stats tables. which would be quite tedious of course.
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Postby Alcymart » Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:56 am

Thanks Stan, I understand. How is it coming along with the expectation column and the xls Maroc sent you? Could it not simply read from a file like I posted? Did Maroc find us a solution for this without taxing Ram or speed?
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