Here's our current TODO list. You may vote for features you would like to see most in the next Expert Lotto release. Some features will take more time (couple of weeks) to implement, some features are quite easy (couple of days) and some features depend on each other.
Feel free to post request for any other features not in the list yet.
A - no visible application features, it's internal changes to allow adding some other features. DONE
B - This is an option to group filters together using AND/OR conditions. E.g. you may group together odd/even filter, number range filter and match wn filter and apply them all in one step. There will also be an option to save these filter settings and load them back later on. (depends on A) DONE
C - A predictor plugin based on the WN History page features. The plugin will provide a table of numbers sorted by their probability of hit in the next draw. The good thing is that the algorithm will be reproducible so it'll be possible to back-test it and 'train' or fine-tune it on previous draws. The bad thing is that it may turn out as no good at all.
D - Upon startup the application will check for new Expert Lotto releases on our website and offer to download any new updates (libraries, plugins, lotteries etc), depends on A.
E, F - filters requested in this discussion board. DONE
G - A ticket generator connected to a list of filters (see B). Especially useful for Keno lotteries with the billions of possible combinations. DONE
H - The Minimizer is basically the Optimizer plugin taken one step further. You do your filtering and have 500 tickets left which is too many to play. So the Minimizer will allow to specify e.g. 'i want at least one match4 if any 6 numbers from the package are drawn'. DONE