Version 4.0.10 Released

Version 4.0.10 Released

Postby stan » Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:50 pm

Version 4.0.10 has been released and it has the following updates:

* Added the Optimizing Filter - the filter allows optimizing of the coverage of pairs, triplets and quads.
* Added the Systematic Selection Filter - the filters removes every N-th ticket from the package. It's complementary to the Random Selection filter.
* Changed the lowest possible range value to 1 in the Ticket Numbers Range Filter.
* Added an option to print playslip checkmarks as a regular rectangle instead of an ellipse. Go to menu Lottery - Manager - Edit Settings - Edit labels and colors settings. Then choose Playslip in the combo-box.
* Added an option to switch the number layout in the Visual Package page and Visual Winning Numbers page - click the first column in the table header to change the layout. You can choose between the regular layout (e.g. 1..49) and odd/even layout (e.g. 1,3,..,47,49,2,4,...,46,48).
* Added an option to insert a wheel into the Package. This was possible already in previous versions (menu Package - File - file type CSV or text), however the new window is more comfortable and allows number swapping.
* Additional lotteries - Taiwan and Israel.
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Postby stan » Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:42 am

if you already downloaded the latest 4.0.10 version yesterday (1.12.2004), please download again. i forgot to move the new release to the proper download folder.
Expert Lotto Team
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Version 4.0.11 Released

Postby stan » Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:22 pm

Released version 4.0.11 with the following changes:

* Fixed a bug in the Optimizing Filter - incorrect optimization of coverage of quads.

* Fixed a bug in the Add Winning Numbers window - during some weeks at the end of the year the list of missing draw dates was empty.

* Context help updates - added description for the Systematic Selection and Optimizer filters.
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