Postby exoterikos » Thu Jan 18, 2024 1:07 pm

Hi to all . Is there any detailed guide for NUMBER DIFFERENCES or any guide for filters related to number differences (history numbers diffs, number diffs patterns ,number diffs sums, unique number diffs , number diffs sum patterns ) ? Thanks !
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Postby tdnl46w » Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:05 pm

I don't know of any specific guides. What type of info do you need for Number Differences?

Quick reference;

Number Differences are ticket number occurrence differences(or number intervals) in winning draws. If you open the Latest History tab in the; Main menu-> History-> Latest-> Number History button-> Show as: Difference Only,...this will display the values related to the number difference filters. These difference values can also be divided into separate groups called Segments by the user in the; Main menu-> Tools-> Options-> History button ->Levels & Segments tab. So basically, any filters listed as Number Difference filters are just different ways in which to filter these difference/interval values(e.g. sums of the values, ranges, patterns and unique numbers etc.).
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Postby exoterikos » Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:44 pm

hi tdnl46w !


The problem is that in many of these differences filters the E.L. returns many wrong results. In the screenshot I am trying to make you understand the error of the result that the software returns. Basically I'm trying to confirm the value of the filter, using only the last winning numbers in the package. At the bottom of the page I show the differences that are used and the result which is 6. However, the program only when I run the package and use the value 7 it returns the numbers of the last draw. Only then does the filter pass, which means that the correct answer is when 7 levels passing. The last numbers have obviously not been added to the winning numbers. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find a reason for these errors. Do you have any thoughts?
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Postby tdnl46w » Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:25 am

Hi exoterikos.

Just to clarify from the topic title, the screen shot is using History Differences(or History Sum differences) and not Number Differences.

The complex filter setup in the screen shot is comparing tickets in the package to a previous fourth draw("Latest draws 4 to 4-Tue, Thu, Sun"). So the filter will 'Accept' any tickets in the package that have History Difference increases(+) in 7 out of 11 Levels from that draw. To check/confirm if the properties of the package tickets are correct(7 out of 11 Levels increase),...after running the filter, you will have to set the "Cut-off" draw date option in the main menu to same date of that previous fourth draw(or "Latest draws 4 to 4-Tue, Thu, Sun"). If you need more info let me know.
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Postby exoterikos » Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:44 pm

Hi tdnl46w. Thanks for the prompt response. You are right about History Differences. It's not Number Differences.

"after running the filter, you will have to set the "Cut-off" draw date option in the main menu to the same date of that previous fourth draw(or "Latest draws 4 to 4-Tue, Thu, Sun")"

Here is the point that gives me difficulty and I will explain why.
The idea I want to do is to get the History Differences movement by comparing the History Differences of the next draw (which has not yet been added to the winning numbers of EL), with the History Differences of some specific previous draws.
winning numbers properties.png

I had the impression that these values that we see in the screenshot above are compared and the movement of History Differences s is calculated and finally returning the + - = sign.(Increase ,Decrease, No Change)

The main way I want to use this filter is as shown in the next screenshot.

There is a group of filters.
Comparing tickets in the package to previous second, fourth, fifth, and seventh draw.
And here the questions are as follows.
1. What is the date to set the "Cut-off" draw date option when there is such a complex filter?
2. In this setup, what exactly does the software calculate and return some wrong results to me, and which diffs does it compare exactly?

Thank you very much!
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Postby tdnl46w » Wed Feb 07, 2024 10:43 pm

exoterikos wrote:What is the date to set the "Cut-off" draw date option when there is such a complex filter?

The cut-off draw date feature is used for adjusting what winning draws are displayed in tables or calculated from in a filter. So in a draw based filter(filters that select specific draws), to check if the filter is accepting or rejecting the correct tickets, you have to set the cut-off date to match the filter's draw dates.

exoterikos wrote:In this setup, what exactly does the software calculate and return some wrong results to me, and which diffs does it compare exactly?

When you 'Run' the Differences Movement filter, it checks the package tickets to see which tickets would have a Decrease/No change/Increase in a Level as compared to the selected draws in the filter. It uses the History Differences found in the main menu History-> Summary tab.

Another way to compare a single ticket to specific draws, is to use the "What If" feature. For instance. If you enter; 2,7,12,19,21[1] into the What If feature, you can see what it's properties would be after any specific draw(s) by setting the cut-off draw date(if needed).
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Postby exoterikos » Thu Feb 08, 2024 7:31 pm

tdnl46w you wrote
"When you 'Run' the Differences Movement filter, it checks the package tickets to see which tickets would have a Decrease/No change/Increase in a Level as compared to the selected draws in the filter. It uses the History Differences found in the main menu History-> Summary tab."

tdnl46w we agree that this is exactly what I want to do. To compare a single ticket to specific draws.


In the previous screenshot it clearly shows which values I want to use.
If I make this comparison by eye, looking at the main menu History->Summary tab, I can easily find what I want. But the point is to reduce the wheel size through filters.
Let's take a hypothetical example. The values of the "what if" line, I want to be compared with the 5 previous draws, with each one separately. I want to 'Run' a group containing 5 Differences Movement filters, each of them set to a specific draw (latest draws 2 to 2 -tue ,thu ,sun ).( Of course the actual number of previous draws
that I want to use is much larger.)
Without cut-off draw date feature, it does not return correct results, when all these are contained in a complex filter that contains 5 filters for specific draws.
Since only 1 cut-off draw date can be used for the group I'm running, which cut-off draw date should I use, since the group has 5 filters with 5 different dates?
So here is the question. Is it possible to do this? For all filters together. This is because I want to set some limits for the group as well.

Thank you very much!
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Postby tdnl46w » Fri Feb 09, 2024 2:08 am

tdnl46w wrote:So in a draw based filter(filters that select specific draws), to check if the filter is accepting or rejecting the correct tickets, you have to set the cut-off date to match the filter's draw dates.

What I mean by this is,...the 'Cut-off' draw date option is a program wide setting and can only be set to one date at a time. So you will have to change the cut-off date option for each of the selected dates within a filter separately in order to analyze the 'What If' ticket or tickets in a package. Since there isn't any way to analyze a ticket to multiple filters at once, the only other option I know is to use the 'Preview' button in a complex filter to see which of the groups filters are accepted or rejected for the ticket.

Example using a single ticket in the package.
Preview Example.jpg

As you can see in the complex filter preview, only one of the groups filters accepted the ticket. So now you can identify what other filters need to be adjusted if you want them to accept/reject the ticket. Is this similar to what you are trying to do?
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Postby exoterikos » Fri Feb 09, 2024 4:24 pm

tdnl46w it's not similar to what you mention at the end of your previous post, it's EXACTLY what I'm trying to do.
The problem is that it does not return correct results. And how do I know it's not right? I'm actually verifying. Looking at History->Summary, I know how many levels of the package ticket have Increase when I compare them to each of the draws below. Then to verify I use these values in the filters with the corresponding dates in the field:
Here I have the example with the results of the comparisons I mentioned earlier, which I enter in the filters of the group.
latest draw 1 to 1 , 6 to 6 levels increase.
latest draw 2 to 2 , 5 to 5 levels increase.
latest draw 3 to 3 , 3 to 3 levels increase.
After that I use the 'Preview' button on the complex filters and wait for all the group filters to be accepted. However, some of them are always rejected.
It specifically rejects the third one here in the example (latest draw 3 to 3 , 3 to 3 levels increase)
I will try to show it in detail with screenshots so you can see if there is any mistake that I am missing.
LATEST 2024-02-09 112029.png


Comparing the "what if" numbers which are the package numbers, with latest draw 3to3 diffs, we see that there are 3 levels in which we have an increase. We place the value 3 in the corresponding filter. After the preview, the program rejects the filter while 3 is the correct value.
So where is the mistake?
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Postby tdnl46w » Sat Feb 10, 2024 3:02 am

The 'What If' feature is a simulated next draw following another draw. So in order for the what-if ticket properties to be correct, you have adjust the 'Cut-off' draw date option so the what-if ticket becomes the next draw following that draw.

For example. To compare this ticket -> "What If 14,16,27,36,39[1]" this ticket-> "Jan 30, 2024 7,13,28,41,42[4]", you have to set the cut-off draw date to "Jan 30, 2024". Then the what-if ticket will show the correct properties in relation to that filter. You would have to do this each time for each filter you want to compare. I mainly use the What If feature for checking if I'm setting up a filter correctly, but I also use it to track how a next draw might perform using various charts etc.
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Postby exoterikos » Sat Feb 10, 2024 11:50 am

tdnl46w thank you for your patience. Our way of thinking is exactly the same.

"For example. To compare this ticket -> "What If 14,16,27,36,39[1]" this ticket-> "Jan 30, 2024 7,13,28,41,42[4 ]", you have to set the cut-off draw date to "Jan 30, 2024". Then the what-if ticket will show the correct properties in relation to that filter."
Even when I follow your instructions, I don't get the right result as shown in the next screenshot

Even now the filter with value 3 is not accepted. And we know 3 is the right value. So let's move on.

"I mainly use the What If feature for checking if I'm setting up a filter correctly, but I also use it to track how a next draw might perform using various charts etc."
We absolutely agree on this. Surely you have understood what exactly I want from E.L. Unfortunately, I understand that the program cannot calculate what I am thinking. This feature has not yet been added to E.L.
Thank you so much for your patience and help.
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Postby tdnl46w » Sat Feb 10, 2024 11:13 pm

Hi exoterikos, no problem glad to help.

I tested the Differences Movement filter with the same settings and it is working on my system, so that ticket in your last screen shot should be absolutely be accepted. Does the regular Differences Movement filter(not complex filter) with those settings also not accept that ticket? Trying to narrow down what could be causing it to be rejected.
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Postby exoterikos » Sun Feb 11, 2024 7:14 pm

Hi tdnl46w.

In the "cut-of draw" function, every time we change the date, the "what if" difference numbers also change. So it doesn't help me, since I want the "what if" comparison, with the previous absolute prices and each draw separately.
I must say that the history filters as an idea is amazing, but also what happens with differences movement, also happens in many other history filters, in which I have tried to operate with the same strategy.
After that, I will try to see if I can somehow set up a simple filter for each date that interests me. Searching through the filters, I failed to discover any filter that could be applied to my idea.

Is there any idea to do something like this?
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Postby tdnl46w » Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:32 am

If I'm understanding the "filter concept" in the screen shot, the description below might be similar to what you are trying to analyze.

Enable the 'What If' feature and enter the ticket you want to compare, and then click the yellow lock button icon so it's numbers can't change. Then go to the-> Summary History tab-> Charts-> Show: [Differences]. In the Level [0] chart, select 'Compare with...'-> and check mark the other Levels you need. The What If ticket will be the last data points on the chart(hover the mouse cursor over a data point to see it's data). Now you have a way to display the min/max ranges for the What If ticket for all Levels. From here you can use the chart sliders in each Level, or adjust the min/max ranges manually in the My Estimates tab.
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Postby exoterikos » Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:16 pm

tdnl46w you are right. This is also a good way of analysis and comparison. But the analysis and comparison is not the most serious problem of this procedure. I can also export summary history (png1)
to excel file and using functions, to make any calculation or comparison in this database.

I have a complete view of the behavior of the previous draws in relation to the next one. Of course we are talking about number differences, values and their movement (png2)

. The reason I want to compare the "what if" (which is the next draw), is to find any patterns that repeat often or less frequently. After that, the same filter concept with new limits that are a result of the previous study, will run with a Full Wheel Package in order to greatly reduce the initial wheels. The ultimate goal is to be able to do this filter calculation correctly (png3) , just to be used by E.L. the values that are written in the filters and if this calculation is correct, it means that the calculation will also be correct when the Package contains a Full Wheel.
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