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Positional Draw Ranges ......HELP please.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 8:43 am
by pyst7lot
This dummy can't figure it out. :)
It looks to me like it is similar to the Numbers At Positions filter which I'm liking apart from all the manual data entry it requires.
It's the min/max value from 1 to 6 which I don't understand - at least the rest might make sense if I knew how to use that part of it - MIGHT! lol

Re: Positional Draw Ranges ......HELP please.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 8:13 pm
by daniel
Hi pyst7lot,
It is explained in the help menu.
Just do a search for "Draw Ranges"

Re: Positional Draw Ranges ......HELP please.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 1:57 am
by pyst7lot
Yep, that's what make me a dummy. I was having trouble understanding the explanation in the documentation. However I think I have figured out the min/max thing and perhaps the whole thing. I say 'perhaps' because I tested it by using MS Excel and it didn't work the same.

Ahhhh, I think I have it. The 6th position was the one that I didn't have right. In my excel sheet I had it set to be between the 5th number plus one (ie. 32+1 = 33) and the 6th number instead of the highest number.

I had 6th position set to be between 33 and 37 instead of between 33 and 40.

If I set 1st postion to be Min 1 and Max 2 does that mean position 1 is 1 to 13

If I set 1st postion to be Min 2 and Max 2 does that mean position 1 is 7 to 13

Re: Positional Draw Ranges ......HELP please.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 6:49 am
by tdnl46w
Draw Ranges filter -> Accept or reject ticket numbers based on the fixed positional ranges of a previous draw(s).

6/40 lotto, previous draw ticket numbers of; 6,13,18,24,32,37 -> then the ticket's positional ranges are; 1-6, 7-13, 14-18, 19-24, 25-32, and 33-40.

Position 1 has a range of 1-6. So if the filter setup has;...

Position 1 -> Min: [1] Max: [2], -> this will accept/reject tickets that have [1] to [2] numbers from the positional range of 1-6(1,2,3,4,5,6).
Accepted ticket examples; 4,12,13,29,34,38...or 1,5,9,22,30,37.

Position 1 -> Min: [2] Max: [2], -> this will accept/reject tickets that have [2] to [2] numbers from the positional range of 1-6(1,2,3,4,5,6).
Accepted ticket examples; 3,5,15,23,27,32...or 2,6,18,25,26,36.

Re: Positional Draw Ranges ......HELP please.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 11:38 am
by pyst7lot
tdnl46w wrote:Position 1 -> Min: [2] Max: [2], -> this will accept/reject tickets that have [2] to [2] numbers from the positional range of 1-6(1,2,3,4,5,6).
Accepted ticket examples; 3,5,15,23,27,32...or 2,6,18,25,26,36.

Thank you very much. :)