1st Four in order - Match Winning Numbers.

1st Four in order - Match Winning Numbers.

Postby pyst7lot » Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:24 pm

Playing NZ Strike - picking 4 balls from 40 in draw order.
I set up my game in EL by having 4 balls drawn from separate sets of 40 balls then eliminated the impossible combinations.

The Match Winning Numbers filter has different options than usual but I don't understand them and the help file doesn't cover all the options.

ie. Straight, 4-way Straight, 6-way Straight, 12-way Straight, 4-way Box etc

Am I looking in the wrong place in the help file?
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Re: 1st Four in order - Match Winning Numbers.

Postby tdnl46w » Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:52 am

pyst7lot wrote:I set up my game in EL by having 4 balls drawn from separate sets of 40 balls then eliminated the impossible combinations.

The NZ Strike game appears to be using a single pool of numbers(1-40) from a 6/40 draw. So I would setup the 4/40 lotto using a single pool of numbers. The number order combinations listed above(Straight, 4-way Straight, etc.) are mainly for the Pick-N type lotto's(Pick 3/4 etc.) and are not listed in the documentation yet.
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Re: 1st Four in order - Match Winning Numbers.

Postby pyst7lot » Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:51 am

NZ Strike is played on the 1st four balls drawn in the NZ Lotto game - in order. I set up using a different ball set for each ball was so I could get the full set of 2,193,360 combinations. That's every set of 4 numbers 24 ways.

I can eliminate all the previous draws in order but now I want to also eliminate all the combinations of the numbers in each previous draw.
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Re: 1st Four in order - Match Winning Numbers.

Postby tdnl46w » Fri Apr 08, 2022 5:13 am

The NZ lotto is new to me, but I understand now. So on closer examination, a single pool of numbers won't work for the Strike game(at least not for some EL features).

pyst7lot wrote:... but now I want to also eliminate all the combinations of the numbers in each previous draw.

Which combinations? Number combinations(i.e. 1,2,3) or number order combinations(i.e. 6-Way Straight etc.).
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Re: 1st Four in order - Match Winning Numbers.

Postby pyst7lot » Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:58 am

Let's say a previous draw is 1-2-3-4. I want to eliminate all the combinations (24) of those four numbers in every order.

I may even want to eliminate any combination which matches any 2 or 3 numbers. ie. for 1234 I would eliminate 1230 1204 1034 and 0234. 0 represents the number which doesn't need a match.
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Re: 1st Four in order - Match Winning Numbers.

Postby pyst7lot » Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:20 am

For what it is worth.
If I use the Straight and the 24-Way Box options I can eliminate the combinations I was initially wanting to remove. :)

The First,Second,Third and Fourth Digit options will remove or keep the lines which have numbers in those positions in the past draws you check against - obvious I suppose.

Not sure what the other X-Way Straight and Box options do.
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Re: 1st Four in order - Match Winning Numbers.

Postby tdnl46w » Sat Apr 09, 2022 1:21 am

Glad you found the filters. :)
I was going to post some filters, but got side tracked trying to mutual match a 4/40 Pick-N type game for a Package the same way you can in a Pick-3/4 game. So far I have not found any way to do this in EL. When trying this, I may have also found a bug or two in some filters.

pyst7lot wrote: I set up using a different ball set for each ball was so I could get the full set of 2,193,360 combinations. That's every set of 4 numbers 24 ways.

How did you calculate/filter for 2,193,360 combinations?

pyst7lot wrote: Not sure what the other X-Way Straight and Box options do.

I'll try to write up a description of the number order combinations used in EL for Pick-N games, and maybe post the filters for reducing a Package. I'll post it in the Pick 3/4 forum when finished.
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Re: 1st Four in order - Match Winning Numbers.

Postby pyst7lot » Sat Apr 09, 2022 1:35 am

How did you calculate/filter for 2,193,360 combinations?

I start with 2560000 lines in the package from a 40x40x40x40 full wheel
Then I use the "Numbers At Positions" filter 40 times for each of the 40 numbers (each one in all 4 positions) to have at least 0 to 1 position to pass so any number can appear only once in any line - or not at all.

After doing that please don't tell me there is a quicker way. lol
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Re: 1st Four in order - Match Winning Numbers.

Postby tdnl46w » Sat Apr 09, 2022 3:04 am

pyst7lot wrote:After doing that please don't tell me there is a quicker way. lol

There is,...but only if you have a VERY fast CPU. Package-> Reduce-> Mutual Match...
This is what I was trying with the mutual match feature. But at 2.5 million combo's, my ten year old AMD FX-6300(6-cores) tries to meltdown, lol. I'm building a new PC atm, so I'll try again when it's finished. The other filters I tried should have worked the same as a mutual match, but they seemed to have issues with the Pick-N nature of this specific setup.

edit: see the Number Groups reply below for an alternative to using the Mutual Match filter.
Last edited by tdnl46w on Sun Apr 10, 2022 5:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 1st Four in order - Match Winning Numbers.

Postby pyst7lot » Sat Apr 09, 2022 3:21 am

My PC isn't young either and is probably even slower than yours. I just give up with some filters. I'll check that mutual match reduction but, as you say, hardware may be a problem.

Edit. I see that Mutual Match gives the same options that I get with Match Winning Numbers.
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Re: 1st Four in order - Match Winning Numbers.

Postby tdnl46w » Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:39 am

Update. I tried to get the Mutual Match filter to work with this type of lotto setup(4/40 with separate number pools), but it either takes to long or EL has some package limitations set. However, there is another way using the 'Number Groups' feature.

Tools-> Number Groups;
- In the number groups tab, click on the green plus icon and "Create new group".
- Number of groups: 40
- Type of groups: Number ranges.
- Group 1 Begins at: [1] Ends at: [1]
- Group 2 Begins at: [2] Ends at: [2],...etc. until-> Group 40 Begins at: [40] Ends at: [40]
- click the Next button, name the group, then click Finish.

For a 24-Way combinations package, insert a Full Wheel package(all combinations). Then use a Number Groups filter with the settings below;

Number Groups filter;
- Matching Tickets: Accept.
- Number Groups: select the number group you created from the drop down menu.
- All groups = check marked.
- All groups = Number in group min: [0] max: [1].
- At least [1] to [40] groups must pass.
- Check mark-> Ticket must fall into [4] to [4] groups.
- Run the filter, and the Package will be reduced from 2,560,000 to 2,193,360 tickets(let me know if this number is correct).

Now you have a setup for directly controlling the numbers by group(check or uncheck number groups). If this lotto also allowed duplicate numbers, then you would change; Ticket must fall into [3] to [4] groups, or Ticket must fall into [2] to [4] groups etc.
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Re: 1st Four in order - Match Winning Numbers.

Postby pyst7lot » Thu Apr 21, 2022 1:15 am

Thank you tdnl46w. I will keep this in mind when I have a need. There's something I wish was possible with imported csv file number groups - that they included the min and max values the way that Lotwin saves number groups.
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