winning numbers

winning numbers

Postby niceguy » Tue Dec 19, 2023 7:55 am

Hi Stan & Everyone.
Just wanting to know if there is some way we can select 100 draws from the winning numbers table, & copy & paste or drag & drop them into a custom analyzer, or complex filter for further analysing or filtering? I tried selecting & copying 100 draws from the winning numbers table, then pasting them into a custom analyser, & also a complex filter, but it would not let me paste into them. I also tried drag & drop, but that didnt work eiher,
If not possible to do this, is it possible to modify Expert Lotto to allow us to do this?
Many thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.

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Re: winning numbers

Postby tdnl46w » Fri Dec 22, 2023 10:38 pm

To select specific winning draws in the custom analyzer, you could use the 'Select' option in the Summary mode button window.
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Re: winning numbers

Postby niceguy » Sat Dec 23, 2023 1:58 am

Hi tdnl46w

Many thanks for that.

I tried that but it wouldn't seem to work for me.

It seemed to analyse the winning numbers collectively ok, however, I am wanting to analyze say 100 draws from the Winning numbers table, individually in a custom analyser, or complex filter using the match number filter for each draw.

Kindest Regards
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Re: winning numbers

Postby tdnl46w » Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:21 pm

niceguy wrote:I tried that but it wouldn't seem to work for me.

Can you give an example or description of what type of statistics you need using one of the match groups?
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Re: winning numbers

Postby niceguy » Sun Dec 24, 2023 5:14 am

Hi tdnl46w

Firstly I go into Winning numbers table /select/ filter . From there I Select the match number filter & select one number that I think will come up in the next draw. I select my one number, (e.g. 10) (between 1 & 40, as our lotto goes from 1-40) & also select match 1. After applying this it leaves you all the tickets in the winning numbers table that contain that one number. I then Transfer these draw numbers to a custom analyser for futher processing, then I filter them using a match number filter. Assuming your chosen number is correct, you can cut down the number of tickets in the package by a large amount & still leave a first division ticket there.
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Re: winning numbers

Postby tdnl46w » Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:59 pm

niceguy wrote:... I then Transfer these draw numbers to a custom analyser for futher processing, then I filter them using a match number filter.

In EL there is a way to directly analyze and filter ticket results. Here are the steps below;

1. Open a Complex Filter.
2. In the Design window click on 'Add Filter' and select the 'Match Numbers' filter. Then setup the filter as follows;
- Matching Tickets: Accept
- Match Count: 1 (check mark 1 only)
- Numbers: 10 (select ticket number 10 only)

3. Now in the Design window, right-click on the Match Numbers filter and select 'Back-test' from the drop down menu.
4. When the back-test is complete, all of the accepted tickets will contain the number 10. To analyze only these accepted tickets, the bottom of the back-test window click on the 'Show accepted draws only' button. Then to the right of that button click on 'Analyze'.

What this does, is bring up an available statistics list that will apply only to the accepted back-test tickets. So if you wanted to know what Pairs, Triplets and Quads(etc.) are most common in tickets that contain the number 10, then you would choose 'Number Combinations' from this list. From here you can then select/highlight the table rows of the statistics you need and copy/paste them to a custom analyzer, complex filter or select the filter icon at the top of the table's window to directly filter the selected rows from a package. If you need more info let me know.
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Re: winning numbers

Postby niceguy » Tue Dec 26, 2023 2:33 am

Hi tdnl46w
Many thanks for your excellent & detailed instructions. Just the info I was looking for!
Once again I really appreciate your help
Kindest regardss
Posts: 548
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2004 12:08 pm

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