Analyze Number Followers using the Complex Filter

Analyze Number Followers using the Complex Filter

Postby tdnl46w » Thu Dec 08, 2022 3:41 am

Number followers are ticket numbers that follow a previous winning draw's ticket numbers. Currently the only similar feature to this is the 'Number Announcers' statistics, but it is limited to only using the latest draw's numbers. In my experience, number followers play an important role in many lotto strategies. So I wanted to see if there was a way to use a complex filter to analyze any numbers or draws for number followers. Below is the filter process I found.

This filtering process uses a 'Number Group' to specify the number(s) you want to analyze for followers. A Complex Filter is then setup with several 'Statistical Filter' and 'Match Numbers' filters using that Number Group.

Step 1. Setup the Number Group(s).

- Main menu; Tools -> Number Groups -> in the Number Groups tab click on the '+' symbol to create a new number group.
- Number of groups: [2]
- Type of groups: 'Number ranges'
- Group 1 Begins at :[1] Ends at: [1]
- Group 2 Begins at :[1] Ends at: [1]
- Click 'Next'
- Name: 'Number 1'
- Show in: check all...
- Click 'Finish'

The number group is created under the Number Groups tab. This group will represent ticket number 1.
Note: Two number groups are required by this feature, but it won't affect the filter results.

Step 2. Create a new Complex Filter. The text example below is similar to what you will see in the complex filter window(excluding the step numbers).

[-] Ticket Number 1 Followers..............| accept | Min to pass: 1 (1.)
....[-] Filter Group 1..........................| accept | All must pass (2.)
.......... Statistical Filter......................| accept | Number Groups Distribution - Number 1: Occurrence > 0 (1 latest draws) (3.)
.......... Match Numbers......................| accept | match: 1 numbers from 1 (4.)
....[-] Filter Group 2..........................| accept | All must pass (5.)
.......... Statistical Filter......................| reject | Number Groups Distribution - Number 1: Occurrence > 0 (1 latest draws) (6.)
.......... Match Numbers......................| reject | match: 1 numbers from 1 (7.)

1. File -> New -> Complex Filter, then in the upper right click on 'Add group'. At the bottom of the group's window in the "Name:" field , name this filter group "Ticket Number 1 Followers".
2. Click on the 'Ticket Number 1 Followers' group, then click on 'Add group'. This will add a sub-filter group below the first. In the sub-filter group's "Name:" field at the bottom, name this sub-filter group "Filter Group 1".
3. Click on 'Filter Group 1', then click on 'Add filter'. In the 'Available Filters:' list, select the 'Statistical Filter' and click the 'Select' button. Set the following filter conditions...
- Matching Tickets: Accept.
- Winning Numbers: 1 latest draws.
- Analyze: Number Groups Distribution | Number 1.
- Select 'Match any of the following'.
- Occurrence | > | 0.
4. Click on 'Filter Group 1', then click on 'Add filter'. In the 'Available Filters:' list, select 'Match Numbers' and click the 'Select' button. Set the following filter conditions...
- Matching Tickets: Accept
- Match Count: check mark number 1 only.
- Numbers: select [x] mark ticket number 1 only.
5. Click on 'Filter Group 1', then use 'Ctrl + C'. Then click on the 'Ticket Number 1 Followers' group, then use 'Ctrl + V'. This will add a second copy of the sub-filter group. In the sub-filter group's "Name:" field at the bottom, name this sub-filter group "Filter Group 2". This extra sub-filter group is needed to accept ticket number 1 as a follower.
6. Click on 'Filter Group 2', and in the 'Statistical Filter' and 'Match Numbers' filter, set them both to > Matching Tickets: Reject.
7. Click on the 'Ticket Number 1 Followers' group and set the 'Minimum count of filters to pass: [1]' and 'Maximum count of filters to pass: [2]'.

After setting up the complex filter, save it by using File -> Save, or use Ctrl + S while in the complex filter tab.
Note: The statistical filter's accept or reject draws that have the same number group. So in the complex filter Statistical Filter's above, if you select 'Winning Numbers: 5 latest draws' and 'Reject', then it will accept draws that have ticket number 1, but only if the previous 5 draws do not have ticket number 1.

Setup examples screenshot;
Filter Examples.jpg

Step 3. Back-test and analyze the accepted draws ticket numbers.

- Now right-click on the top most group 'Ticket Number 1 Followers' and select 'Back-test' in the drop down menu.
- When the back-test is finished, down at the bottom left of that window, click on the 'Show accepted draws only' button. This button hides/shows the rejected draws.
- Then just to the right of the 'Show accepted draws only' button click on 'Analyze'. When the rejected draws are hidden, this button will only analyze the accepted back-test draws.
- In the 'Ticket Analyzer' window list, check mark 'Ticket Numbers' and click 'Finish'.

The 'Ticket Numbers' statistics table will display the ticket numbers that occurred from the accepted draws. If you sort the 'Occurrence' column in this table you can see which ticket numbers had the highest or lowest occurrences following a ticket containing the number 1. In the EL Demo 6/49 Lotto, the ticket number 1 was followed by; 17 & 36(24 occurrences) 39 & 48(21 occurrences) and 34(20 occurrences)...etc.
For two or more numbers(pairs, triplets, quads etc.) you must add a new main or root group at the top of the complex filter hierarchy to support more than one number group.

Text example below is similar to what the complex filter for pairs followers will show;

[-] Number Pairs 1 - 2 Followers........... | accept | All must pass (<- This is the main or root group.)
.... [-] Number Group 1..................... | accept | Min to pass: 1 (<- This is the group for ticket number 1)
......... [-] Filter Group 1................... | accept | All must pass
............. Statistical Filter.................. | accept | Number Groups Distribution - Number 1: Occurrence > 0 (1 latest draws)
............. Match Numbers.................. | accept | match: 1 numbers from 1
......... [-] Filter Group 2................... | accept | All must pass
............. Statistical Filter................... | reject | Number Groups Distribution - Number 1: Occurrence > 0 (1 latest draws)
............. Match Numbers................... | reject | match: 1 numbers from 1
.... [-] Number Group 2...................... | accept | Min to pass: 1 (<- This is the group for ticket number 2)
......... [-] Filter Group 1.................... | accept | All must pass
............. Statistical Filter................... | accept | Number Groups Distribution - Number 2: Occurrence > 0 (1 latest draws)
............. Match Numbers................... | accept | match: 1 numbers from 2
......... [-] Filter Group 2.................... | accept | All must pass
............. Statistical Filter.................... | reject | Number Groups Distribution - Number 2: Occurrence > 0 (1 latest draws)
............. Match Numbers.................... | reject | match: 1 numbers from 2

Once the complex filter is saved to a file, it is just a matter of changing the filter conditions or copy and pasting new filter groups for analyzing/filtering other ticket number followers(etc.). The complex filter can contain many feature components and user preferences, so if there are any questions, suggestions, or corrections, let me know. :)
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Last edited by tdnl46w on Wed Feb 22, 2023 1:09 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Analyze Number Followers using the Complex Filter

Postby tdnl46w » Sun Dec 11, 2022 11:53 am

Here are two Complex Filter examples using the Expert Lotto demo lotto 6/49(31 draws descending order).

- In the Number Groups tab, click on the '+' symbol to create a new group.
- Number of groups: [2]
- Type of groups: 'Number ranges'
- Group 1 Begins at :[1] Ends at: [1]
- Group 2 Begins at :[1] Ends at: [1]
- Click 'Next'
- Name: 'Number 1'(or any name you want)
- Show in: check all...Click 'Finish'

Complex Filter settings...
[-] Ticket Number 1 Followers | accept | Min to pass: 1
...[-] Filter 1 | accept | All must pass
.......... Statistical Filter | accept | Number Groups Distribution - Number 1: Occurrence > 0 (1 latest draws)
.......... Match Numbers | accept | match: 1 numbers from 1
...[-] Filter 2 Repeats | accept | All must pass
.......... Statistical Filter | reject | Number Groups Distribution - Number 1: Occurrence > 0 (1 latest draws)
.......... Match Numbers | reject | match: 1 numbers from 1

Back-test results. Accepted tickets in red.
2010/28 Sun 2nd---- 23,29,36,42,44,47, [7]
2010/28 Sun 1st----- 6,13,14,19,41,42, [29]
2010/28 Wed 2nd--- 2,13,16,17,25,40, [27]
2010/28 Wed 1st---- 16,18,22,23,28,29, [24]
2010/27 Sun 2nd---- 1,6,12,24,32,41, [44]
2010/27 Sun 1st----- 2,15,22,29,30,37, [42]
2010/27 Wed 2nd--- 20,23,25,30,33,35, [7]
2010/27 Wed 1st---- 8,11,19,26,48,49, [18]
2010/26 Sun 2nd---- 8,11,18,32,36,38, [6]
2010/26 Sun 1st----- 5,6,11,31,40,43, [32]
2010/26 Wed 2nd--- 4,18,26,33,35,47, [11]
2010/26 Wed 1st---- 5,12,25,31,44,46, [33]
2010/25 Sun 2nd---- 10,15,28,30,36,43, [35]
2010/25 Sun 1st----- 16,21,24,25,35,46, [47]
2010/25 Wed 2nd--- 9,12,23,34,39,49, [24]
2010/25 Wed 1st---- 1,6,22,24,34,40, [33]
2010/24 Sun 2nd---- 8,12,23,31,37,49, [27]
2010/24 Sun 1st----- 11,19,28,29,32,39, [30]
2010/24 Wed 2nd--- 12,25,27,33,35,41, [20]
2010/24 Wed 1st---- 1,5,27,33,39,48, [36]
2010/23 Sun 2nd---- 1,12,24,33,38,42, [11]
2010/23 Sun 1st----- 3,13,14,19,23,48, [15]
2010/23 Wed 2nd--- 2,19,20,23,32,48, [24]
2010/23 Wed 1st---- 3,4,13,25,29,34, [37]
2010/22 Sun 2nd---- 4,7,8,23,25,28, [31]
2010/22 Sun 1st----- 3,13,19,27,31,44, [2]
2010/22 Wed 2nd--- 3,5,6,18,20,22, [48]
2010/22 Wed 1st---- 3,7,12,27,30,32, [1]
2010/21 Sun 2nd---- 3,9,11,20,23,43, [18]
2010/21 Sun 1st----- 1,12,20,23,30,34, [33]
2010/21 Wed 2nd--- 2,4,17,30,36,40, [7]

There are 5 tickets that follow the number 1 from a previous draw. When you analyze only these tickets and sort the 'Occurrence' column in the Ticket Numbers statistics, the top one highest occurrences that follow the number 1 is; 23(bonus numbers excluded). Next five are 9,12,27,33,39 etc.

Now the same 31 draws using different selected draws and number.

- In the Number Groups tab, click on the '+' symbol to create a new group.
- Number of groups: [2]
- Type of groups: 'Number ranges'
- Group 1 Begins at :[32] Ends at: [32]
- Group 2 Begins at :[32] Ends at: [32]
- Click 'Next'
- Name: 'Number 32'(or any name you want)
- Show in: check all...Click 'Finish'

Complex Filter settings...
[-] Ticket Number 32 Followers | accept | Min to pass: 1
...[-] Filter 1 | accept | All must pass
.......... Statistical Filter | accept | Number Groups Distribution - Number 32: Occurrence > 0 (Latest draws 3 to 3 - Wed 1st, Wed 2nd, Sun 1st, Sun 2nd)
.......... Match Numbers | accept | match: 1 numbers from 32
...[-] Filter 2 Repeats | accept | All must pass
.......... Statistical Filter | reject | Number Groups Distribution - Number 32: Occurrence > 0 (Latest draws 3 to 3 - Wed 1st, Wed 2nd, Sun 1st, Sun 2nd)
.......... Match Numbers | reject | match: 1 numbers from 32

Back-test results. Accepted tickets in red.
2010/28 Sun 2nd---- 23,29,36,42,44,47, [7]
2010/28 Sun 1st----- 6,13,14,19,41,42, [29]
2010/28 Wed 2nd--- 2,13,16,17,25,40, [27]
2010/28 Wed 1st---- 16,18,22,23,28,29, [24]
2010/27 Sun 2nd---- 1,6,12,24,32,41, [44]
2010/27 Sun 1st----- 2,15,22,29,30,37, [42]
2010/27 Wed 2nd--- 20,23,25,30,33,35, [7]
2010/27 Wed 1st---- 8,11,19,26,48,49, [18]
2010/26 Sun 2nd---- 8,11,18,32,36,38, [6]
2010/26 Sun 1st----- 5,6,11,31,40,43, [32]
2010/26 Wed 2nd--- 4,18,26,33,35,47, [11]
2010/26 Wed 1st---- 5,12,25,31,44,46, [33]
2010/25 Sun 2nd---- 10,15,28,30,36,43, [35]
2010/25 Sun 1st----- 16,21,24,25,35,46, [47]
2010/25 Wed 2nd--- 9,12,23,34,39,49, [24]
2010/25 Wed 1st---- 1,6,22,24,34,40, [33]
2010/24 Sun 2nd---- 8,12,23,31,37,49, [27]
2010/24 Sun 1st----- 11,19,28,29,32,39, [30]
2010/24 Wed 2nd--- 12,25,27,33,35,41, [20]
2010/24 Wed 1st---- 1,5,27,33,39,48, [36]
2010/23 Sun 2nd---- 1,12,24,33,38,42, [11]
2010/23 Sun 1st----- 3,13,14,19,23,48, [15]
2010/23 Wed 2nd--- 2,19,20,23,32,48, [24]
2010/23 Wed 1st---- 3,4,13,25,29,34, [37]
2010/22 Sun 2nd---- 4,7,8,23,25,28, [31]
2010/22 Sun 1st----- 3,13,19,27,31,44, [2]
2010/22 Wed 2nd--- 3,5,6,18,20,22, [48]
2010/22 Wed 1st---- 3,7,12,27,30,32, [1]
2010/21 Sun 2nd---- 3,9,11,20,23,43, [18]
2010/21 Sun 1st----- 1,12,20,23,30,34, [33]
2010/21 Wed 2nd--- 2,4,17,30,36,40, [7]

There are 5 tickets that follow the number 32, only this time the statistical filters have selected draws set to a range: Latest draws 3 to 3 - Wed 1st, Wed 2nd, Sun 1st, Sun 2nd. So the accepted tickets are tickets that follow the number 32 which was drawn three draws previous. The two highest numbers occurring after number 32 in this example are; 23 and 39(bonus numbers excluded). The rest of the numbers are equal in occurrence. Hopefully these examples will help to better explain what number followers are and how to use the filters.
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Re: Analyze Number Followers using the Complex Filter

Postby Radu » Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:06 pm

Hi, this is a great post, thanks for the contribution, it is exactly what I was looking in this posting where you also kindly assisted: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3203 Unfortunately I could not follow the steps to replicate the creation of the complex filter for single / pair / triplet numbers..:(. Is there any way you could post some screenshots of the steps that I could follow? Also, I understood that for pairs / triplets it is necessary to create more groups in the number groups tab which I also can't figure very easy. If I have to find the followers for let's say 1, 2, 3 I need 3 groups, each of them in the same manner like the example for Number 1 that you have posted? Thanks a lot. Cheers.
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Re: Analyze Number Followers using the Complex Filter

Postby Radu » Mon Feb 13, 2023 11:35 pm

Hi again,

I managed to create the filter for the single digit follower search so I would need advice only for the pairs / triplets followers. Thanks.
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Re: Analyze Number Followers using the Complex Filter

Postby tdnl46w » Tue Feb 14, 2023 1:09 pm

Hi Radu.

A Complex Filter can have multiple separate feature components, so instead of screenshots I chose to just Copy/Paste the complex filter window text. I am working on more detailed instructions and will edit the original posts hopefully this week.

Radu wrote:... I managed to create the filter for the single digit follower search so I would need advice only for the pairs / triplets followers.

In the upper right corner of the complex filter Design window, click on 'Add group'. In the new group's "Name:" field at the bottom, name this filter group "Multiple Ticket Numbers Group"(or any name you want). Then Copy/Paste the Filter Group(s) containing the 'Statistical Filter' and 'Match Numbers' filters into this new root group. Example below.

Ticket Number Group 1 <- 1. Right- click on this group which contains two sub-groups and their filters, and select Copy(or Ctrl + C).
...Filter Group
...Filter Group

Multiple Ticket Numbers Group <- 2. Right-click on the new group and then select Paste(or Ctrl + V) and "Ticket Number Group 1" will be copied into the group.
...Ticket Number Group 1
......Filter Group
......Filter Group
...Ticket Number Group 2 <- Copy/Paste or create other number groups as needed under this root group.
......Filter Group
......Filter Group
...Ticket Number Group 3 <- ...etc.
......Filter Group
......Filter Group

The "Multiple Ticket Numbers Group" will control how many sub-filter groups can pass. Set it to "All must pass" if you want to accept/reject all numbers from the groups.
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Re: Analyze Number Followers using the Complex Filter

Postby Radu » Thu Feb 16, 2023 12:08 am

Thanks for the reply, in the meantime I managed to replicate the doubles/ triplets...and extended until 5 digits, I am using two features of the 5-digits complex filter in order to find various types of followers:

1) If I want followers to any 1/2/3/4 digit combinations I am switching the:

Ticket Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Followers | accept | All must pass --> Min to pass: 1/2/3/4

2) If I want only specific doubles/triplets/etc..I am disabling the other 3/2/1 remaining filter components.

Also, I realized that setting such a filter at every draw would be a time killer so I am starting to reuse the same filter by adding more digit components and disabling the previous one as the draws build up. So I will end probably with a huge 45-components filter (also with 45 Number groups) with all the components by default disabled and enabling 5 of them at each draw as required. I don't know what would be the impact on the back-test performance of such a filter but I don't see any other reasonable option. I tried to hack the xml content of the filter in order to try to build in a text editor (in order to import it) but it's too complex and besides I need the number groups. It would be nice if somebody could create a 49-digits filter file and a Number-group file for 49 digits and post them to the forum so anybody could import them in EL and use my above mentioned strategy for each draw (enabling only the digits corresponding to the last draw). Anyway, thanks a lost for the idea of using these filter combinations for tracking the past numbers followers, I am also a great fan of using the information conveyed by the followers.
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