Winning Numbers History Strategy..?

Winning Numbers History Strategy..?

Postby LottoTrout » Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:14 am


The EL5 documentation on Winning Number History states;

"As you can see above, with History features you can reduce millions of number combinations down to a hundred or two hundred tickets while having 100% guarantee that the filtered tickets include the Jackpot winning one. However the problem is that it isn't easy to make correct estimates for all Levels. If a single Level value is out of the estimated range, the Jackpot ticket is lost. But there are various strategies to compensate for possible errors in estimated ranges."

Can you please elaborate on one or more of those strategies..? Thanks.
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Re: Winning Numbers History Strategy..?

Postby stan » Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:19 am

bobes is preparing new strategies and various tips for the new expert lotto 5. it will be published soon.
but most of the strategies for expert lotto 4.x are sill valid. you'll find them in the jackpot section of this discussion board.
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