History Sum Root

Re: History Sum Root

Postby motiram » Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:33 pm

Jerzy wrote:motiram,

That's fine if you know the correct sum roots for the next draw. I do not know how to predict sum roots.

Hello Jerzy, very excellent question, my answer in NO. If it would be a yes, I would have won the jackpot by now.

But I know we have to find them in the following possible patterns
In the 81 possible Patterns can be made by using 2 Levels
In the 729 possible Patterns can be made by using 3 Levels
In the 6561 possible Patterns can be made by using 4 Levels
In the 59049 possible Patterns can be made by using 5 Levels

We have to analyse them in excel on which pattern is getting hot and can be predict for the next coming draws? That is something that I can analyse using excel. But, as usual we have to play that continuously till it shows result. Without having any time limit.

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Re: History Sum Root

Postby Jerzy » Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:43 pm


It looks like a very difficult method of finding or predicting history sum roots, but if you know how to do it and if you determined on it enough, by all means do it.

Good luck.
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Re: History Sum Root

Postby motiram » Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:53 pm

stan wrote:Sometimes it's hard to please everyone:)

Hello Stan, honestly I have no problem at all.

stan wrote:...I've uploaded a new app update that brings back the original implementation of History Sum Root filter and adds the extended implementation as a new filter. Your saved complex filters should work fine now.

It is the same now but to restore it again in the original version we only have to follow 5 steps to reduce the package. That is all.

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Re: History Sum Root

Postby Falcon » Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:58 am

Hi Stan,

Thankyou for including the extended version of this History SUMS Root filter, however it is not working as I anticipated it might. I certainly didn’t expect to cause any grief to any member with my suggestion to change it.

I used Ver 1 of this filter in this manner -

Select just a single level and then select a single root value and perform the filter reject action with the ‘at least levels must pass’ set to 1 and 1.

Do this again for another single level and another single root value.

And so on until all desired levels had been executed.

The root values I select are usually the last occurring values as can be seen in the Properties Winning Numbers table for HSR’s (as these will hopefully not occur again immediately) however as can be seen sometimes the last value can equal the value to come at the next draw, so some times this approach does too much work and will remove the winning ticket.

Thus if the filter could accept all of my desired root values at each level and I could then set the ‘levels must pass’ to say 8 of 11 it would give me a safety margin against up to two root values in the target draw being the same as the previous draw.

The new extended version accepts the inputs as I expected however the outcome is a total rejection of all tickets for any more than 4 levels selected, thus I wonder if it is actually working correctly as my expectation was that it would simply do the same as previously except do it all in the one pass.


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Re: History Sum Root

Postby Jerzy » Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:45 am

Hi Stan and Falcon,

Both filter has their strong features and can play different roles.

The extended history sum root filter is cumbersome when you want to build and support sum root group filters such as pentads or quads, but it is very convenient for building history sum root repeats filters. I do not reject any roots, I just accept some of them without indicating which one should be accepted.

For Example: For Oz Lotto ( a 7/45 lottery) I use 54 levels (levels from 0 to 53). In each level I select the root that appeared last time. I accept 3 to 9 levels to pass, because usually that much sum roots are repeated in 54 levels. This way I can reject approximately 5,7 million tickets from the full wheel of 45,379,620.

Everything works fine with exception of deselecting checkboxes. I can deselect all checkboxes for levels in one go, but I have to deselect all sum root checkboxes individually.
Is there any solution to deselect all sum root checkboxes in one go?
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Re: History Sum Root

Postby Jerzy » Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:09 pm

Hi Stan,

I have built 1 history sum root complex filter using version 1 as well as the same filter using the extended version. The filter which was built with the extended version is much faster then the other one.

Both filters are for 54 levels and allow 3 to 9 levels to pass. The latest history sum root values are identical in both filters, I checked it several times. However, each filter rejects a different number of tickets.

Version 1: 6,528,126 tickets rejected from the full wheel of 45,279,520 combinations.
Extended version: 5, 624,233 tickets rejected from the full wheel.

I do not know here is the problem.
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Re: History Sum Root

Postby stan » Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:48 am

Jerzy wrote:Hi Stan,

I have built 1 history sum root complex filter using version 1 as well as the same filter using the extended version. The filter which was built with the extended version is much faster then the other one.

Both filters are for 54 levels and allow 3 to 9 levels to pass. The latest history sum root values are identical in both filters, I checked it several times. However, each filter rejects a different number of tickets.

Version 1: 6,528,126 tickets rejected from the full wheel of 45,279,520 combinations.
Extended version: 5, 624,233 tickets rejected from the full wheel.

I do not know here is the problem.

I'm getting the same results from both filters. Please email me a screen shot of your filter settings or post it here, thanks.
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Re: History Sum Root

Postby Falcon » Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:52 am


Like to suggest a minor addition to the extended version of this filter - could there be an erase box function which would remove all selected values in the roots panel?

Clicking the column header toggles that roots' level selections either on or off but does not erase them.


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Re: History Sum Root

Postby stan » Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:08 pm

Falcon wrote:Stan,

Like to suggest a minor addition to the extended version of this filter - could there be an erase box function which would remove all selected values in the roots panel?

Clicking the column header toggles that roots' level selections either on or off but does not erase them.



Will do in the next app update.
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Re: History Sum Root

Postby Falcon » Tue Sep 09, 2014 11:50 am

Thanks Stan

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Re: History Sum Root

Postby Falcon » Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:22 am

Got it.

Thanks Stan.

Is good.

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