Multiple Development Versions

Multiple Development Versions

Postby dreamweaver » Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:00 pm

Hi Stan,

A simple question and answer I am hoping, can you run more than one instance of a Development version of EL5 ?

I would like to work on two different lotto games without switching out of the application all the time.

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Re: Multiple Development Versions

Postby stan » Sat Aug 29, 2015 9:55 pm

Yes, it is possible. But you need to start each instance with a different command - line parameter:

expertlotto.exe --userdir <full path to some folder on your disk>
expertlotto.exe --userdir <full path to some other folder on your disk>

And you will have to activate your license keys in both instances then.
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Re: Multiple Development Versions

Postby dreamweaver » Sat Aug 29, 2015 11:22 pm

Thanks Stan,

Appreciate the response and will give it a go..:-)
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Re: Multiple Development Versions

Postby dreamweaver » Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:11 am

Hi Stan,

Following your recommendations I attempted to run more than one instance of the development version and was unable to do so.

However I did manage to find a fix to enable me to do so and will allow more than one instance of the application to run. I am
not sure if this is the correct way of doing things but this worked for me just the same.

Using any type of text editor I simply modified the "expertlotto.conf" file which is located in the subfolder "expertlotto\etc" in
the directory where the development build application is installed in.

I modified two lines in this file:

Line 1. default_userdir="$ { HOME } / .$ {APPNAME} / devel"

CHANGE the folder name from "devel" to a different name eg: "devel2"

Line 2. default_mac_userdir="${HOME}/Library/Application Support/${APPNAME}/devel"

CHANGE the folder name from "devel" to a different name eg: "devel2"

For all other instances of EL5 development build you need to run repeat the same steps as above.
In each occasion you must have the application installed in different folder locations and each
conf file must point to a unique or different folder.

For every instance of the development build you wish to run one needs to modify this file to point to different folder
locations where the EL5 development build is registered under the windows default folder location:

"Documents and Settings\userdir\Application Data\.expertlotto\devel"

The above is the default folder that is created when the development build is originally installed.

Modifying the conf file will create subsequent subfolders under the ".experlotto" folder.

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Re: Multiple Development Versions

Postby stan » Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:29 pm

Well, it's also an option but it's much more convenient to add the switch to your application shortcut, see the picture.
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Re: Multiple Development Versions

Postby dreamweaver » Fri Oct 02, 2015 11:37 pm

Hi Stan,

Excellent, as they say there is more than one way to skin a cat ..

I will adopt your method, it is much more efficient.

Thank you once again..
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Re: Multiple Development Versions

Postby Falcon » Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:11 am


I have set up a few separate installations of EL5 but in doing this I have lost my previous filter trees.

Is there a file I can copy across into these new installations from old folders that contains this filter tree information?


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Re: Multiple Development Versions

Postby stan » Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:14 pm

Falcon wrote:Stan,

I have set up a few separate installations of EL5 but in doing this I have lost my previous filter trees.

Which trees are you referring to?
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Re: Multiple Development Versions

Postby Falcon » Wed Jan 13, 2016 11:49 pm

Hi Stan,

Please refer to the attached pic.

Whilst I can certainly reload all my personal filters in by hand I was hoping there might be some file that already included this list that I could paste into a folder and so re establish the tree.

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Re: Multiple Development Versions

Postby stan » Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:47 pm

You can try copying <user dir>\config\TicketFilters to your other user dirs.
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Re: Multiple Development Versions

Postby Falcon » Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:33 pm

Thanks Stan,

That did the job just fine.

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