I'm working with a 6/49 game here and it's drawn 13 times per month on average. In the statistics page I have setup Repeated 1, 6, 12, and 13. This shows numbers that repeated from the last draw to 13 past draws.
If I look at the Repeated 12 I find that on average 5 to 6 numbers are coming from the last 12 draws about 50% of the time. I know that the idea is to get all six numbers but most like likely your not doing that now. This could be a good way of reducing the amount of total numbers possible, instead of using all 49 numbers you could eliminate all of the numbers that were drawn 13 past draws and higher.
You're not going to have 5 to 6 numbers within the group of number that you chose for play every time but 50% of the time isn't to bad.
Now, I also checked out the Repeated 6 and found that 4 to 5 numbers are drawn from the last 6 draws about 50% of the time. Iknow this is no jackpot strategy but, it is a larg number reduction which could lead to some lower prize win possibilities.
I have just strated working with this idea and the last drawing was my first real test. After removing the numbers that were drawn 13+ draws ago I was left with 39 numbers for play and all 6 numbers that were drawn within the 39. I didn't have any 5 or 6 number wins but I did have some 4 number wins that still wouldn't have paid for the amount of tickets used, this was because some of the other filtering that I used didn't pass.
NOTE: You must remember that in a 6/49 drawing there is only 1 match 6 possible and there are are only 258 match 5's possible and there are only 13,545 match 4's possible per drawing so, it's easy to filter all of those out.
Good Luck!