Line Width Filter
Status: Beta
Version 1.7.3
Known Issues: Custom Analyzer settings not remembered
UPDATE: 1.3.2 Statistics / Ticket Analyser is now supported
- The filter now appears in Winning Ticket Properties under Line Width (about half way down)
- The filter now is supported by Winning Numbers Analyser under Line Width so you can produce graphs, view averages etc
- Line with 1 - Max N/A bug fixed
UPDATE 1.7.3 Filter is now contained as automatically updating plugin
This will appear in the Category Tim Mac Experimental Filters at the top
This filter will take the filter based on the width of the line - being the difference between the highest ball and the lowest ball (it ignores bonus numbers)
Example: Ticket 1-2-3-4-5-6, has line width of 5 (6 - 1), Ticket 2 14-38-21-34-42-48 has line width 34 (48 - 14)
You can set the Min and Max of the width of the line.
Example: Min 10, Max 20
1-2-3-4-5-6 REJECTED (line width 5)
10-12-16-18-19 REJECTED (line width 9)
10-12-16-19-20 ACCEPTED (line width 10)
Works in Package Reduce and Complex Filter modes, analysis and winning ticket properties
TRY: Try combining it with the Standard Deviation filter to help filter tickets that are too clumped together or too spread apart.
PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IN THREAD "How To Install Plugin" for installation instructions