NEW FILTER: Core/Non-Core Filter

NEW FILTER: Core/Non-Core Filter

Postby timmac » Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:47 pm

Core/Non-Core Filter

Status: Beta
Version 1.7.3
Known Issues: None
Supported: Statistics, Ticket Analyser, Prediction, Customer Analyser

This will appear in the Category "Tim Mac Filters 2" at the top

This filter will count the specified number of Core/non-Core numbers and filter accordingly.
Core Digits are: 1, 2 and 3
Non-Core Digits are: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Only the right-most digits are taken into account

E.g. in ticket 02-06-08-18-51 the right-most digits are 2, 6, 8, 8, 1 ie 02,06,08,18,51

You can set the Min and Max of the number of the number of Core or non-Core numbers

In the above ticket:

Core To Core filter: 0 (02-06-08-18-51 the Core numbers highlighted are adjacent to no other Core number)
Core To Non-Core filter: 1 (02-06-08-18-51 - the Core number 2 is adjacent to non-Core number 6 (underlined))
Non-Core To Core filter: 1 (02-06-08-18-51 - the non-Core number 8 (underlined) is adjacent to Core number 1)
Non-Core To Non-Core filter: 2 (02-06-08-18-51 - the non-Core number 6 (underlined) is adjacent to non-Core number 8 (underlined))

Example: Core To Core filter, Min 2, Max 5

01-02-03-04-05-06 ACCEPTED (Core numbers 01-02-03 are 3 Core numbers adjacent to each other)
10-12-26-38-49 REJECTED (only one Core number 2 (12) is not adjacent to any other Core number )

Works in Package Reduce and custom analysis, prediction, ticket properties

PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IN THREAD "How To Install Plugin" for installation instructions
Last edited by timmac on Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:24 pm

Re: NEW FILTER: Base/Non-Base Filter

Postby andrzejs » Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:46 pm

Thanks for the filter that has the potential reducing the tickets by a great deal.
I have a problem with Base/NonBase filter in its section Non-Base>Non-Base that on a full package eliminates all tickets on any selection except "0".
On the last choice leaves tha package intact. My obesrvation is that filtering on other three filters leaves selection after completion but on the one
with a problems rolls back to any other above after completion. Is it my problem or a bug in it?
Posts: 22
Joined: Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:03 pm

Re: NEW FILTER: Base/Non-Base Filter

Postby Gumba » Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:16 pm

Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:08 pm

Re: NEW FILTER: Base/Non-Base Filter

Postby Neener » Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:33 pm

timmac, I'm going to enjoy experimenting with this new filter. Thanks!
Posts: 47
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:39 am

Re: NEW FILTER: Base/Non-Base Filter

Postby timmac » Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:17 pm

andrzejs wrote:Thanks for the filter that has the potential reducing the tickets by a great deal.
I have a problem with Base/NonBase filter in its section Non-Base>Non-Base that on a full package eliminates all tickets on any selection except "0".
On the last choice leaves tha package intact. My obesrvation is that filtering on other three filters leaves selection after completion but on the one
with a problems rolls back to any other above after completion. Is it my problem or a bug in it?


Thanks for reporting these bugs - I've fixed these in v.1.0.4 version

Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:24 pm

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