Core/Non-Core Filter
Status: Beta
Version 1.7.3
Known Issues: None
Supported: Statistics, Ticket Analyser, Prediction, Customer Analyser
This will appear in the Category "Tim Mac Filters 2" at the top
This filter will count the specified number of Core/non-Core numbers and filter accordingly.
Core Digits are: 1, 2 and 3
Non-Core Digits are: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Only the right-most digits are taken into account
E.g. in ticket 02-06-08-18-51 the right-most digits are 2, 6, 8, 8, 1 ie 02,06,08,18,51
You can set the Min and Max of the number of the number of Core or non-Core numbers
In the above ticket:
Core To Core filter: 0 (02-06-08-18-51 the Core numbers highlighted are adjacent to no other Core number)
Core To Non-Core filter: 1 (02-06-08-18-51 - the Core number 2 is adjacent to non-Core number 6 (underlined))
Non-Core To Core filter: 1 (02-06-08-18-51 - the non-Core number 8 (underlined) is adjacent to Core number 1)
Non-Core To Non-Core filter: 2 (02-06-08-18-51 - the non-Core number 6 (underlined) is adjacent to non-Core number 8 (underlined))
Example: Core To Core filter, Min 2, Max 5
01-02-03-04-05-06 ACCEPTED (Core numbers 01-02-03 are 3 Core numbers adjacent to each other)
10-12-26-38-49 REJECTED (only one Core number 2 (12) is not adjacent to any other Core number )
Works in Package Reduce and custom analysis, prediction, ticket properties
PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IN THREAD "How To Install Plugin" for installation instructions