The TimMac filters are now available as a plugin in EL5 so that once added, they can be automatically updated when new versions are available. I've removed the zip files from the forum threads since they are now no longer up to date.
IMPORTANT: If you have previously installed the filters, please remove them. They should be listed in the Download tab in Tools > Plugins. Remove any TimMac filters that are listed here. Tick the filter then click Remove.
It's important to remove the old filters otherwise they could conflict with the new filters.
1. Go to Tools > Plugins, then click Add (bottom right)
2. In Name: type TimMac Filters and in URL: type www.expertlotto.com/external/files/timmac/updates.xml. Click OK.
3. The TimMac Filters update center will now be listed.
4. In the Installed tab, the TimMac Filters will be listed and should be Active
5. Allow EL5 to restart if prompted
6. The filters will appear in TimMac Filters 1 at the top of the filters to help you locate them