NEW FILTER: Dual Odd/Even Filter

NEW FILTER: Dual Odd/Even Filter

Postby timmac » Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:18 pm

Status: Beta
Version 1.7.5
Known Issues: None
Supported: Statistics, Ticket Analyser, Prediction, Customer Analyser

This will appear in the Category "Tim Mac Filters 1" at the top in "Dual Odd/Even Filter".

There are two filters - Odd / Even

This filters tickets if BOTH left and right digits of a ticket number is BOTH either odd/even depending on the setting.

For example,
Ticket 01-07-13-21-51 has 2 dual odd digits (13: left 1 right 3, 51: left 5 right 1)
Ticket 02-08-14-24-50 has 3 dual even digits (02: left 0 right 2, 08: left 0 right 8, 24: left 2 right 4)

You can set the Min and Max of the number of the number of dual odd/evens to accept

PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IN THREAD "How To Install Plugin" for installation instructions
Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:24 pm

Re: NEW FILTER: Dual Odd/Even Filter

Postby nikkil » Sat Feb 16, 2013 6:35 pm

Hi. I was thinking about applying this plugin. Has anyone tried to successfully install and use this yet?
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NEW FILTER: Dual Odd/Even Filter (Mixed)

Postby timmac » Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:51 pm

Status: Beta
Version 1.7.6
Known Issues: None
Supported: Statistics, Ticket Analyser, Prediction, Customer Analyser

I've added a new sub-filter to the Dual Odd/Even filter. This filter is now called Dual Odd/Mixed/Even Filter since the introduction of the new sub-filter - "mixed".

This will appear in the Category "Tim Mac Filters 1" at the top in "Dual Odd/Mixed/Even Filter".

For the new sub filter - "Mixed"

This filters tickets if BOTH left and right digits of a ticket number is either odd (left) and even (right) or (even) left and odd (right).

For example,
Ticket 01-07-13-21-51 has 3 mixed odd digits (01: left 0 right 1, 07: left 0 right 7, 21: left 2 right 1)

You can set the Min and Max of the number of the number of dual mixed odd/evens to accept

PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IN THREAD "How To Install Plugin" for installation instructions
Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:24 pm

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