History Ranges from Simulation

History Ranges from Simulation

Postby Ralphj » Sun Jan 11, 2015 1:42 pm


The above appears to be a plugin under menu section "Automation". I have been trying to figure out exactly what it is and/or does. The description under the name and description states the following "Filter settings are derived from History simulation results, one set of ranges are average sums to the most frequent sum values and the other set of ranges are median sums to the most frequent sum values." I do not understand how this information is used. Can someone please explain to me how this works?

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Re: History Ranges from Simulation

Postby andthen » Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:18 am


History Ranges from Simulation is an automatic filter builder or creator, based on a number of results from running a simulation. There are a number of filtering possibilities available..
If you run a simulation and then run the filter builder and open both in side by side windows, it should become clearer. For example, the filter builder will automatically collect all the most frequent differences or sums from the simulation and create a filter for you. This saves you doing a slow manual filter creation.

To ascertain the correct settings - i.e. the min and max number of levels that will pass in say Most Frequent, will require back testing to find the correct levels. To do this, hide x number of draws (20 is a good start), run the simulation builder, and find how many levels passed.

When you have done the research you can make the filter for each draw (it has to be re-made, like all filter builders, for each draw). You will find it is a very powerful tool for removing a lot of tickets, depending on how many history levels you use. As a rule the more levels you use the more tickets you can remove. The maximum number of levels you can use will be determined by your draw history. The highest number of levels you can have starts at the point in the lottery draw history when all the numbers in the pool were drawn.

Hope this is of assistance, regards AH
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Re: History Ranges from Simulation

Postby Ralphj » Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:29 am

Thanks AH for the information.

I have maintained a historic record of simulations for the last 355 draws of this lottery. I have reviewed the almost all of the filters in the list and could not figure out exactly what was being used as the filter i.e. Most Frequent, Avg, Median etc... From what I understand in your information the values of let's use Most Frequent or used as the filtering values in each level. These values come from the number of tickets that you have told the program to use.

I use this historic data I have in My Estimate to remove tickets. I assume this is the same except it uses the values in say Most Frequent to do it filtering. Is this correct?

Thanks again for you help

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Re: History Ranges from Simulation

Postby stan » Mon Jan 12, 2015 6:02 pm

Technically it is possible but it would need a lot of changes under the hood so I'd rather avoid that.
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Re: History Ranges from Simulation

Postby Ralphj » Mon Jan 12, 2015 6:24 pm

Thanks Stan,

I do not believe this would be any better than My Estimate as it displays the same window to filter. I do understand a little better about how it works and I do believe it may get you closer to the values you need to put in the My Estimate window. Using the values it generates for the Lottery we play in Brazil, it would not get you a Jackpot and I pretty sure not a 2nd or 3rd level winner. It will get 4th level winnings as I have played 100 tickets just to find out how it works and it had some 4th level winners in it. Again I think it will help some with the correct values to use and it appears this was the design purpose of the filter.

I am not and would not ask that any work be done under the hood for this to function as I asked. None will work if you do not have the correct values in the correct levels. If you have them the tools we have will do and has done a fine job.

Thanks to all for your help.

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