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Pentads,guads,triplets question..

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:14 am
by tvpventures
When working in analyzing pentads, quads, triplets, how to highlight particular number for example number 38 only and arrange in the way that I can see list of pentads with number 38 only ? Can I even do that?
Thank you for any help!

Re: Pentads,guads,triplets question..

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:53 pm
by stan
I'm afraid this isn't possible.

Re: Pentads,guads,triplets question..

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 3:27 pm
by tvpventures
"I'm afraid this isn't possible".

O, ok. Understand, thank you, then is it possible
1) somehow leave only combinations in the package that contains lets say number 38, and remove the rest of it. So to have left only combinations that contain number 38 for example
2) remove all combinations from the package that contain number 16 for example, so all combinations with number 16 to be removed from the package? Can I do that then?

Thank you very very much!!!

Re: Pentads,guads,triplets question..

PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:27 pm
by stan
Yes, you can use e.g. Match Numbers filter. With 'Matching tickets - accept' you will get tickets that do contain the selected numbers, with 'Matching tickets - remove' you will get tickets that do not have the selected numbers.

Re: Pentads,guads,triplets question..

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 3:08 am
by tvpventures
Got it, Thank you so much Stan!!! :)

Re: Pentads,guads,triplets question..

PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:12 am
by dreamweaver

In relation to this original query post, I think it is POSSIBLE in that when working in analyzing pentads, quads, triplets or whatever number combination that you can highlight a particular number or number(s) and arrange in the way that one can see a list of pentads, quads or triplets or whatever number combinations that contain only that number or number(s)

BUT only using the PACKAGE ANALYZER option.

How is that possible?

You will need to use two filters to achieve this:

1. Ticket Number filter
2. A Pentad, quad, triplet or pair number combination filter

If we start with the original example where you need to find all pentads that contain the number 38 and list those pentads only.

1. Firstly start off with a Full Package :
In this case I am starting off with a 6/45 lotto game

2. Run the "Winning Numbers" analyzer and select
- any number of draws for the Interval
- select only the "Ticket Numbers" Filter
- press Finish

3. Highlight the number 38

4. In your Funnel selection set the min and max pass to
"At least 1 to 1"

5. Press OK See Figure 1


6. Whilst still highlighting the Number 38 in the Analzyer window
Turn on the number coloring feature and select the Ticket Nunber option
and lock the selection, as per image below:


7. Run another window but this time use the PACKAGE ANALYZER and
choose the Number Combination "Pentads". As image below


Re: Pentads,guads,triplets question..

PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:14 am
by dreamweaver
8. Then sort on the statistical column "Occurrence" in descending order, highest value first, see image below


9. You will now see the grouping of all PENTADS that contain the number 38

- This works only when using the Package Analyzer
- Can work on more than one number being selected, your sort on Occurence will show all numbers selected in the highest occurence value
and then smaller combinations will be shown in a lesser occurrence value.


Re: Pentads,guads,triplets question..

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 1:48 am
by tdnl46w
You can also use a Complex Filter's 'Run' and 'Back-test' features to analyze any filtered results(e.g. only tickets/winning draws with the number 38). The Run button filters from a Package, and the Back-test filters from the Winning Numbers list. At the bottom of a Run window, use the 'Analyze' button. At the bottom of a Back-test window, click on 'Show accepted draws only' and then on the 'Analyze' button to the right of it. This will analyze only those accepted draws.