Pick 3 analysis for box combinations

Pick 3 analysis for box combinations

Postby Lottofool15 » Sat Nov 24, 2018 7:36 am

Was just wondering, I know the analyzer shows the max interval, due etc for all 1000 triplets, but is there statistics for each of the 210 combinations in any order? [not counting triples]
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Re: Pick 3 analysis for box combinations

Postby stan » Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:28 pm

210 combinations??
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Re: Pick 3 analysis for box combinations

Postby Lottofool15 » Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:35 pm

Sorry, should have been more clear. I meant the 210 combinations of box combos. For e.g. if you had 123 it could be 321, 213, etc. If you did this for every one of the 1000 potential combinations, just taking into account each combinations numbers and not the order, you'd only have 210 box combinations [120 singles, 90 doubles] to analyze [and the extra ten triples like 888 or 777 if you wanted to add them making it 220]. I was wondering if there was a way to analyze triplets, or basically box combos, without taking into account the order of the numbers in the statistical analysis, but i didn't see it.
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Re: Pick 3 analysis for box combinations

Postby tdnl46w » Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:17 am

For analyzing Pick 3 triplet combinations(unique singles/doubles), I setup combined statistics(Position 1 + Position 2 + Position 3). Then in a complex filter, filter with Digits Count to accept unique singles(or doubles), and then Back-test. At the bottom of the back-test window, click 'Show accepted draws only' then 'Analyze' and select Combined Statistics. This will analyze only those accepted draws.
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Re: Pick 3 analysis for box combinations

Postby Lottofool15 » Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:11 pm

Thanks for the reply. I actually figured something since posting the question. It took a little time to put together, but i it seems to work. I made separate text files for each box combination, then I used match ticket in file for each one, with straights and 6 way or 3 way box depending on whether they're singles or doubles. Then, when i put the files in a custom analyzer together, so it can analyze all the combos at once.

I didnt realize you could analyze backtested draws, i may try that at at some point.
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