Ticket numbers ==> occurence

Ticket numbers ==> occurence

Postby fiwip » Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:32 pm


Can you help me on this matter : concern ==> winning numbers ==> analyse ==> ticket numbers.
I focus on "occurence" statistics ==> for ex the 10 latest draws :
- x numbers never appear (0)
- y appear once (1)
- etc

Is it possible to get this statistcs "occurence" for the whole lottery, from 10 latest draws to the 10 before etc until the 10 first draws of the entire package winning numbers ?

I can't see anything in the blog : "ticket numbers" is to vague for the search and "ticket numbers occurence" do not return - as far as I check - anything precise on this matter.

Many tx in advance for your help
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Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:10 pm

Re: Ticket numbers ==> occurence

Postby tdnl46w » Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:44 am

You can use a 'Custom Analyzer' with several statistical filters.

1. Statistical Filter | Ticket Numbers: Occurrence = 0, applies to 1 to 6 in each ticket (10 latest draws)
2. Statistical Filter | Ticket Numbers: Occurrence = 1, applies to 1 to 6 in each ticket (10 latest draws)
3. Statistical Filter | Ticket Numbers: Occurrence = 2, applies to 1 to 6 in each ticket (10 latest draws)
etc...for how many occurrences you need.

When you click the 'Summary' button in the analyzer, it will analyze and display the total occurrences for each filter. You can then compare the totals for which occurrences happen the least/most in 10 draws. If you need more detailed counts of occurrences, then you will have to add more filters to specify how many numbers per ticket(applies 1 to 1, or 2 to 2 etc.). Let me know if you need more info.
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