Full Wheel Limit

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Full Wheel Limit

Postby pyst7lot » Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:16 am

Is the limit on how many lines are displayed caused by the software or by my under-powered computer?
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Joined: Tue Apr 23, 2019 4:48 am

Re: Full Wheel Limit

Postby tdnl46w » Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:02 am

Expert Lotto has some features that are limited in the software to save on PC resources(ram, disk space, CPU, etc.). Keno games can take several terabytes(TB) of disk space just to display the full combinations. When you open the Full Wheel window(press F8), you can see how much disk space is required at the bottom-> "Selected combinations require ' x ' of free disk space". So depending on your lotto strategy and system resources, you will have to experiment on what works within the software limits.
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Re: Full Wheel Limit

Postby pyst7lot » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:55 am

Thanks for the reply. It just takes 16TB to hold the full wheel of 10 numbers from 80. lol What would be good although there probably isn't much demand is to be able to build a limited wheel with special conditions. ie. to build a package for 10 from 80 numbers with only one number from every set of 8 numbers. That's one number from 1 to 8, one number from 9 to 16 etc. That would be a more reasonable 10gb or less of space required. The interval function isn't that useful - it gives too many combinations with too many consecutive numbers.
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Re: Full Wheel Limit

Postby pyst7lot » Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:04 pm

I think I have managed to build a 10 number from 80 keno wheel to suit my needs. Using separate pools for each of the 10 numbers with each pool containing numbers as described in the previous post. That was too many combinations to be displayed so I filtered so that there was only one instance of any last digit number in any combination. Now I have a wheel of 440,192 lines. :)
Posts: 166
Joined: Tue Apr 23, 2019 4:48 am

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