Pick 3/4 Combinations Descriptions/Filters

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Pick 3/4 Combinations Descriptions/Filters

Postby tdnl46w » Fri Apr 29, 2022 1:26 am

Here is a list of basic descriptions for the number order combinations found in Expert Lotto Pick 3/4 filters. Since there are no direct Package filters for some these combinations, I have included some suggestions below using the Number Groups feature.

Expert Lotto Pick 3 Combination Descriptions
Straight -> Any 3 numbers in exact draw order. Example. 1,2,3 or 0,0,0. (1,000 Combinations)
6-Way Box -> 3 numbers different in any order. Example. 0,9,1 or 2,7,5. (720 Combinations).
3-Way Straight -> 2 numbers same/1 number different in exact draw order. Example. 3,3,5 or 8,7,8. (270 Combinations)
3-Way Box -> 2 numbers same/1 number different in any order. Example. 4,5,4 or 6,2,2. (270 Combinations)
Front Pair -> Match first two positions.
Back Pair -> Match last two positions.
Split Pair -> Match first and last positions.
Any Pair -> Match any two digits.
First Digit -> Match first position digit.
Second Digit -> Match second position digit.
Third Digit -> Match third position digit.
Any Single Digit -> Match only one digit from a different position(?).
No Match -> Match zero digits.

Expert Lotto Pick 4 Combination Descriptions
Straight -> Any 4 numbers in exact draw order. Example. 1,2,3,4 or 5,5,5,5. (10,000 Combinations)
4-Way Straight -> 3 numbers same/1 number different in exact draw order. Example. 9,9,9,2 or 3,2,3,3. (360 Combinations)
6-Way Straight -> 2 numbers same/2 other numbers same in exact draw order. Example. 1,1,2,2 or 5,7,5,7. (270 Combinations
12-Way Straight -> 2 numbers same/2 numbers different in exact draw order. Example. 0,4,0,9 or 1,1,2,3.(4,320 Combinations)
4-Way Box -> 3 numbers same/1 number different in any order. Example. 3,3,3,4 or 8,9,8,8.(360 Combinations)
6-Way Box -> 2 numbers same/2 other numbers same in any order. Example. 7,7,2,2 or 3,0,3,0. (270 Combinations)
12-Way Box -> 2 numbers same/2 numbers different in any order. Example. 6,2,1,2 or 3,3,4,5. (4,320 Combinations)
24-Way Box -> 4 numbers different in any order. Example. 5,6,7,8 or 3,2,8,1. (5,040 Combinations)
Any Three Numbers -> Match any three digits.
Any Pair -> Match any two digits.
First Digit -> Match the first position digit.
Second Digit -> Match the second position digit.
Third Digit -> Match the third position digit.
Fourth Digit -> Match the fourth position digit.
Any Single Digit -> Match only one digit from a different position(?).
No Match -> Match zero digits.

Number Groups filter setup for Pick 3/4 Straight/Box combinations;...

The following Number Group setup will create a single pool of numbers to filter combinations for both Pick 3 & 4.This number group setup (similar to a Mixed Pool) can then be used for filtering a package, back-testing, statistics, and the Winning Numbers Matrix window.

How to setup the Number Group;
- Open the Number Groups tab window. Tools-> Number Groups.
- Click on the green plus " + " icon in the Number Groups tab to open the groups option window.
- Number of Groups: [10]
- Type of groups: Number Ranges
- Set one number for each following Group in consecutive order,...Group 1 Begins at: [0] Ends at: [0], Group 2 Begins at: [1] Ends at: [1]...etc.-> to Group 10.
- Click on 'Next' and name the Number Group "Digits Filter"(or to what ever you need).
- In 'Show in:' check mark all.
- Click on 'Finish'

Example setup(Pick 3 6-Way Box);
Example Number Group.jpg

Then, use the following number group setups to filter combinations.

Pick 3 combination filters;

6-Way Box Filter(720 Combinations).
- Select 'Number Groups' from the filter list.
- In the filter Number Groups: drop-down menu, select the number group "Digits Filter".
- All Groups check marked.
- All Groups set to; Numbers in group min: [0] max:[1]
- At Least [0] to [10] groups must pass.
- Check-> Ticket must fall into [3] to [10] groups.
- Matching Tickets: Accept

3-Way Straight/Box Filter(270 Combinations).
- Select 'Number Groups' from the filter list.
- In the filter Number Groups: drop-down menu, select the number group "Digits Filter".
- All Groups check marked.
- All Groups set to; Numbers in group min: [0] max:[1]
- At Least [0] to [9] groups must pass.
- Check-> Ticket must fall into [2] to [10] groups.
- Matching Tickets: Accept

Pick 4 combination filters;

4-Way Straight/Box Filter(360 Combinations).
- Select 'Number Groups' from the filter list.
- In the filter Number Groups: drop-down menu, select the number group "Digits Filter".
- All Groups check marked.
- All Groups set to; Numbers in group min: [0] max:[1]
- At Least [9] to [9] groups must pass.
- Check-> Ticket must fall into [2] to [2] groups.
- Matching Tickets: Accept

6-Way Straight/Box Filter(270 Combinations).
- Select 'Number Groups' from the filter list.
- In the filter Number Groups: drop-down menu, select the number group "Digits Filter".
- All Groups check marked.
- All Groups set to; Numbers in group min: [0] max:[1]
- At Least [0] to [8] groups must pass.
- Check-> Ticket must fall into [2] to [10] groups.
- Matching Tickets: Accept

12-Way Straight/Box Filter(4,320 Combinations).
- Select 'Number Groups' from the filter list.
- In the filter Number Groups: drop-down menu, select the number group "Digits Filter".
- All Groups check marked.
- All Groups set to; Numbers in group min: [0] max:[1]
- At Least [0] to [10] groups must pass.
- Check-> Ticket must fall into [3] to [3] groups.
- Matching Tickets: Accept

24-Way Box Filter(5,040 Combinations).
- Select 'Number Groups' from the filter list.
- In the filter Number Groups: drop-down menu, select the number group "Digits Filter".
- All Groups check marked.
- All Groups set to; Numbers in group min: [0] max:[1]
- At Least [0] to [10] groups must pass.
- Check-> Ticket must fall into [4] to [4] groups.
- Matching Tickets: Accept

There is also the Package-> Mutual Match filter to reduce a Package to combinations in similar ways, but it can not be used in a complex filter. I also could have just provided the ticket files for the combinations, but with the above number grouping methods, it lets you manipulate numbers/digits in the filter for testing(etc.) and avoid having to track/create other files. I will continue to edit/update the topic as needed. If there are any questions, suggestions(i.e. corrections/other ways to filter etc.), let me know. :)
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Last edited by tdnl46w on Fri May 27, 2022 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pick 3/4 Combinations Descriptions/Filters

Postby feelinLucky » Sat Apr 30, 2022 8:40 am

I always enjoy reading your post on the understanding of EL. It would be great if you could share any pick 4 strategies with the above information. I look forward to your reply. Thanks again for all your work here.

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Re: Pick 3/4 Combinations Descriptions/Filters

Postby tdnl46w » Sun May 01, 2022 12:19 am

Hi feelinLucky. Thanks.

I started playing the Pick 3/4 again and decided to dig deeper into what EL could do. At the moment, I don't have any strategies using the above information(still experimenting),...but the main strategy I used in the past was to play the 'Box' combinations, and use the most due number on all plays with a mix of other numbers. It seemed to work well from time to time, but it could have also been just luck(ymmv).
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