winning numbers table

winning numbers table

Postby niceguy » Sun Jan 28, 2024 8:07 am

Hi Stan & everyone
When using winning numbers/show as table/ select/ filter/match numbers, it filters out the draws ok, but then when I want to further filter the already filtered draws, it will not seem to do so. E.g. if I go to winning numbers/show as table/ select/ filter/select match numbers filter/ match count = 0, numbers set to no 1 only, it filters out the unwanted draws ok, but when I want to further filter the already filtered draws using winning numbers/show as table/ select/ filter/select match numbers filter/ match count = 2, numbers set to nos 3 & 4, it won’t seem to filter the already filtered draws, instead it filters the total draws in the winning numbers table each time. Just wanting to know if there is a way to filter draws in the winning numbers table, then further filter those draws which have been previously filtered. Many thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.
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