

Postby PadawanLotto » Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:12 pm

First understand that I'm working with a pick 5 lottery.

What I mean by Break-It-Down is, there are three types of conditions to filter, Segments, Differences, and Static. Try working with each seperately one at a time and find the best filter settings for each that produces the best draw to draw results, don't worry about how many combinations are left in the package, right now you are interested in finding a setup that has a 75% or better jackpot hit rate, no matter what you are not going to hit every drawing. Back testing is one thing but you really need to do real time testing also.

We are all looking to remove as many combinations as possible and still keep the jackpot combination, one place to look is the WNH Neg/Pos Counts. With the WNH Neg/Pos Counts there are 11 choices to choose from giving you a 1 in 11 chance of having the right set of combinations that contain the jackpot combination and by choosing 1 of the Neg/Pos counts you can knock down the amount of combinations by +/- 80% or better. Work with one Neg/Pos count at a time to use your other filters with.

In the WN History page Neg/Pos Differences the Neg/Pos counts can be confusioning compared to the Statistics page WNH Neg/Pos Counts as in the Statistics page the 0 is counted as a positive difference whereas, in the WN History page the 0 is not counted at all.

Neg/Pos counts are just another name for decrease/increase and fit into the differences filtering. Look at WN History Simulation, when you run a simulation the results will show you the columns that are most likely to increase or decrease, although not all of them will be correct but there is a common range of accuracy, for me it is 5 to 9 columns will be correct, that is a 1 in 5 chance. Using the Winning Number History Filter set Min/Max diffs for each column based on the simulations increase/decrease projections. Use At least # to # columns must pass but choose only one increase/decrease count at a time like, At least 5 to 5 columns must pass and save the results for further filtering.

Added Comment
When you take it one condition at a time you will know what combinations that you are dealing with as each condition will produce a unique set of combinations and there will be no repeating combinations in any other set of combinations. If you choose to filter for Distinct Segments = 5, you will have a unique set of combinations and filtering for any other Distinct Segments such as 6 or 7, you will not find any of the resulting combinations matching any of the combinations produced by filtering for 5 Distinct Segments.
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