There is no single solution

There is no single solution

Postby PadawanLotto » Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:22 pm

There is no single solution to all lotto games as, each game has it's own differences. Even if the the games are of the same pool size and have the same amount of numbers drawn, they may if fact may be simular but, at the same time be different in some aspects such as being in a different phase from another simular game.

There is no single solution.

Look for a strategy that finds at least 1 number about 90% of the time and then stick to that strategy. then look for another strategy that does the same 90% of the time and use it. If you are playing a pick 6 try to stay within 18 number choices. If you are playing a pick 5 try staying within 15 number choices.

Use your basic filters for common occurrences. Set a trap and stick to it and do not deviate from that trap even if it doesn't work the first time around. When trying to trap an animal you use the same trap over and over until it works, the same goes for a numbers trap.

The way I see it is, not to try playing both sides of the coin. I understand that the quest to a jackpot win leads us to wanting to cover all possibilities but, this leads to more combinations than we can afford to play and when filtering down a high number of combinations we not only tend to lose the jackpot combination, we also lose numerous lower prize combinations also.

The strategy should be to play only one side of the coin and not worry about what if. The idea is to play the single best side and wait for the jackpot combination to come to us. The idea is to set a trap and let the numbers come to us. I wrote an article some years ago which now appears on the Lotto Logix web site called Hunter or Trapper. The article has been edited a little from the original version by the new rights owner but conveys the original idea that I had in mind when I wrote it. Stan will be able to confirm that I was the author as I am listed as the author of the article under my Expert Lotto license name. The article can be found at

Look for the highest occurrences of odd or even, low or high. Keep the sum range tight within +/- 20 to 30 above and below the average sum and limit the sum range to odd or even sums depending on the highest occurrence. I believe in the saying “keep it simple stupidâ€￾. Look at the numbers group’s occurrence and the numbers positions. Keep things tight as possible and create a trap and do not deviate from that trap no matter what happens in the next drawing. The point is that when you filter for number combinations and it doesn’t work the first time people tend to want to deviate based on the last drawing but, this is hunting and not trapping which is what you want to do “TRAPâ€￾. Chasing numbers or combinations leads to nowhere, trapping, waiting for the numbers and combinations to come to you is the way to go and should produce the best results if you have the patience.
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