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History Difference & Segment

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:19 pm
by scenium
History difference sometimes looks like there is a pattern,
sometime you can have several draw of positive, negative or interval of positive & negative numbers,

Although I can filter using the history sums.
I feel that segment filter is the best choice.
It is fast & sharp. You get at least 7 columm correct, you can be left with 2 tickets with jackpot.

Here, I have created an excel, breaking up the difference into range of tens.
From minus to plus. ( minus30 onwards,minus20, minus10,minus0,plus0,plus10,plus20,plus30 onwards)
The excel shows segment appearance for only one columm( I am using columm 0) for a year of draws.

From the excel stats, I think it shows that,

For the range minus0 - plus0, the choices segment are 411,402,321,330

For the range plus10 - plus20, the choice segment are 420,411, 501, 510

For the range plus20 - plus30, the choice segment are 510, 600

It looks like each range has it owns choice of segment.

So if you can identify a pattern, guess the next range and put in your choice of segment.
You will get the jackpot ticket.

These are just my ideas.
I'm not sure if it will be useful to have the Stats in expertlotto.

Maybe we can use the Stats for Segment Predictor engine perhaps?? :)