Multiple WNH Multiple segments combinaison...The end of the

Multiple WNH Multiple segments combinaison...The end of the

Postby Picsou » Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:34 pm

Hello all

Look to a piece of my excel file. (For testing on my loto 6/49)
I made tests of simulation with a file make out a will containing only 7 first values of segments. (seg 0 to -6) i use segment multiple filter option "count number of tickets"
The result is really interisting . you will find practically a single ticket on the segment -6.

Now look at the values of segments.
For a loto 6/49, there is 28 possible values by segments. Some seem to be never used.

My first question, how to determine the best choice of segments to cover the maximun of real cases? we can select several values for each segment. (ex 4 values). how to determine the better choice of these values with Excel,

My 2sd question, if I chosen 4 possible values as every segment and if I decide to use segments seg 0 in seg -6, I have 4^7=16384 combinaisons of segments.
Each of these combination goes is to give me 1 or several tickets or no ticket.
How to use Expert Loto to do these exclusive combinaisons?

Thanks for your help
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