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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:33 pm
by MartinMan
Hello winsomeloosesome,

If I remember right, you might have to save your files and reinstall EL.
I think EL only recognizes the version of Java that you have when it is installed.
It probably isn't recognizing your new version.
I had to install again when I upgraded.


PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:48 pm
by Joe

Try what Martin said and make sure that new java version has been installed in EL. (In your EL, go to Help->About)

Distinct Segment Counts

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:47 pm
by Joe
Hi all,

Here is the new plug-in "Distinct Segment Counts" in the 11 Columns for all settings.

give a try and let me know if any modifications needed.


PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:07 pm
by Red Devil
Hello winsomeloosesome,

If I remember right, you might have to save your files and reinstall EL.
I think EL only recognizes the version of Java that you have when it is installed.
It probably isn't recognizing your new version.
I had to install again when I upgraded.


Hi winsomeloosesome,

When I had this problem after installing the latest Java version I had to remove the older versions of Java. When EL starts up it will then run on the version left. Worked for me

Red Devil

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:37 pm
by sysp34
[quote=Red Devil]
Hello winsomeloosesome,

If I remember right, you might have to save your files and reinstall EL.
I think EL only recognizes the version of Java that you have when it is installed.
It probably isn't recognizing your new version.
I had to install again when I upgraded.


Hi winsomeloosesome,

When I had this problem after installing the latest Java version I had to remove the older versions of Java. When EL starts up it will then run on the version left. Worked for me

Red Devil

Red Devil

excellent troubleshooting :)

that method work for me too because when i try to install jave 1.6. it installed perfectly but when i launch EL some how it still recognize as java 1.4 so i reinstall the EL but still EL show java 1.4 so i tracked the java version on control panel and it show there are two version of java 1.4 and 1.6

so i just remove all the java version and install java 1.6 although my old p3-500 little bit slowly but when EL already lauch it little bit faster than using prior java

steve i hope this work on your computer

good luck


PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:18 pm
by Jerzy

Thank you for the Distinct Segments Counts filter. It works correctly and has good filtering power. With correct count setting (Leave), the jackpot ticket is preserved.

Having said that I would like to suggest two improvements.

If I could, I would replace "Segment Distinct Count" with simply "Distinct Segments:".

And I would change the minimum count of distinct segment available in the filter from 0 to 1.

Currently, the minimum count of distinct segments is 0. It does not cause any error in filtering, however, it does not contribute in any way to the filtering.

I tested this filter on the full package of 8,145,060 combinations using the Leave function.

With Min 0 Max 0 --> 0 tickets left in the package.
Min 0 Max 2 --> 23 tickets left
Min 2 Max 2 --> 23 tickets left
It does not matter whether you filter Min 0 Max 2 or Min 2 Max 2.

If you are instructing the filter to leave or remove the combinations which do not build any segments in the WNH, you are asking for impossible thing. There are no combinations in any package which could be incapable of building the segments in the WNH. The filter will do only what is possible.

It is interesting that even with the setting Min 1 Max 1, Leave, 0 tickets is
left in the package, at least when I use my games database. So in the case of my data base the lowest possible count of distinct segments is 2, and there are only 23 combinations, which create exactly 2 distinct segments.

Min 4 Max 8 --> 6,967,219 tickets left in the package. This setting is responsible for the majority of tickets.
Min 11 Max 11 --> 14,241 tickets left.

I still do not know how to help you with the Cluster Pattern filter. The problem is not only because the clusters depend on the total numbers in the game and shape of the game board. Within each class of clusters each cluster is unique, contains different numbers.

Good luck


PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:32 pm
by Joe
Having said that I would like to suggest two improvements.
If I could, I would replace "Segment Distinct Count" with simply "Distinct Segments:".
And I would change the minimum count of distinct segment available in the filter from 0 to 1.

ok, I will make these changes.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:22 pm
by Joe
Having said that I would like to suggest two improvements.
If I could, I would replace "Segment Distinct Count" with simply "Distinct Segments:".
And I would change the minimum count of distinct segment available in the filter from 0 to 1.
ok, I will make these changes.

here the changes made, please download this jar file and replace the old one.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:12 pm
by Jerzy
Thank you Joe !

Jerzy A ? For You

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:45 pm
Thank you Joe !


Would you give an explanation on how this filter works? I think, I know, but any advice would be much appreciated. This is counting the number of segments that you think will repeat from last draw, is that correct?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 7:26 pm
by Jerzy

This is the Distinct Segments filter, not Segments Repeated in the same Columns filter which has not been build yet.

In the 6/xx game 28 segment patterns are possible (I am sure you know these segment patterns). And there are 11 columns in which these segments appear. If you look at the segments data in WNH, you see that some segment patterns are repeated and some not repeated in the same draw (in different columns, in the horizontal line).

Distinct Segments filter uses the concept of unique or distinct segment patterns. All segment which are not repeated are distinct. And if any segment occurs several times, it is counted as a distinct segment only once.

The user can specify how many distinct segments would appear in the WNH data after the next draw, e.g. Min 4 Max 8 - Leave, and the filter will leave in the package only these tickets which could build the specified number of distinct segments (from 4 to 8) in 11 columns. If the prediction of 4 - 8 distinct segment is accurate, the jackpot ticket will be present in the package after the filtering.

See in the WNH Segments table how many distinct segments can be in 11 columns in each draw. What is most common, happens most commonly.

Good luck


PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 8:59 pm
Thank you Jerzy, now I understand.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:50 am
by Joe
Thanks Jerzy for the Explanations, Sorry Bob for not explained when I posted it.
i thought it was explained already by Jerzy in his previous post.

Number Positions Range in Columns

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:39 pm
by Joe

Here is the New Filter "Number Positions Range in Columns".

Here you can able to set the Range for Number Positions in columns.

Jus give a try and give me your suggestions.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:55 pm
by Joe

Here is the New Filter "Number Positions Range in Columns".

Here you can able to set the Range for Number Positions in columns.

Jus give a try and give me your suggestions.


Sorry, I think I have to fix some bugs, Will post this plug-in later, thanks