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Ticket Index Positions

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:03 pm
by Joe

I fixed the bus in this plug-in for compound filter,

Please copy this and replace the old one.


PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:18 pm
by Trust
Hi Joe

It seems to be a bug in this plugin-because if i
load the latest winning ticket and set the posititions
according to the index by statistics-setting the limits
to min 0 to any max range makes the ticket pass.
(With all 8 positions set to the tickets index-number)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 6:24 am
by Joe
Trust, if you set min 0 to any max the ticket will get passed only,
I am not sure what you looking to perform in this filter, Can you please explain so that I can make it clear. thanks

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:02 pm
by Trust
As far as i can remember your first version of this filter
filtered out tickets if set to leave min 0 to max 3 etc of 8 positions.

If we use any of expertlottos standard position-filters and set the filter
to leave tickets whith "At least 0 to 5 positions must pass" and
the ticket has 6 correct position-values the ticket is removed.

Should not the min to max settings in your positional filters follow this same logic?
I use to check the index-statistics for the latest 10 drawings
etc,then i build a group filter to remove tickets that includes
the same index position digit for the latest 10 draws.
(Usually i find that the index posititon digits reoccure in the range of
0 to 3 digits for the latest 10 draws)
Anyway setting the filter to remove tickets whith min 4 to max 8
should do the trick for me