Which PC is the best for runing of EL Program?

Which PC is the best for runing of EL Program?

Postby lottoboy » Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:11 am


I want to order a new PC since the speed of my current PC is too low.
But I'm not sure which PC in the current market is the best for running
of EL Program such as fast progress, big memory, and operation system...
etc. I would appreciate greatly for any suggestions!!!
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Postby stan » Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:44 pm

it depends on your budget but quad core CPU, 4GB ram and 500+gb hard disk would be a very good machine. just don't bother with expensive graphics card (unless you want to play games as well:)
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Postby lottoboy » Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:56 am

it depends on your budget but quad core CPU, 4GB ram and 500+gb hard disk would be a very good machine. just don't bother with expensive graphics card (unless you want to play games as well:)


I just know double core (2 cpu) such as Sony VAIO VGN-AW235J/B
NOTEBOOK PC but which brand with quad core? Could you give me the
name of brand and its main characters?

Which characters of PC should decide the progress speed when we're
running EL Program? Which OS is good for our analysis? XP or VISTA?

Which version of Java is requested? My current EL is B1070(JP).

In addition, how can I copy my EL Package from old PC to new PC? By
regular way such as copy it into DOWNLOADS then transfer it to PROGRAM FILM IN C PART or other special ways?

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Postby Jerzy » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:10 am


Nobody can tell you which computer you should buy and how you should use it. Read computer magazines and information on computers from various sources if you want to know anything about the latest computers.

I can only say that that the quality of the CPU and the RAM is the most important consideration if you want to buy a computer for EL.

The most advanced quad-core processor as yet is Intel Core i7 processor. There are several versions of it. The most affordable is Intel i7 920 quad processor. The versions 940 and 965 are better but more expensive. Read Intel's information about it.

The next factor is the RAM. The best performance can be achieved with a large quantity of fast RAM. 4GB of DDR3 RAM with 1,333 MHz speed would be nice.

A large monitor would also help.

EL works equally well with Windows XP and Windows Vista. In several months the Microsoft will release Windows 7 which might be better.

A double core processor is not a quad processor. Double core processor are becoming obsolete and in 1 or 2 years they will belong to history.

Laptop computers offer inferior performance compared to desktop computers. I find laptops uncomfortable, mainly because of their small screens and touch-pads.

I would do a new installation of EL on the new computer and I would copy into it the licence file and the data (history) file from the old computer.

Do not ask me how to do it. It is very easy to do, but more difficult for me to explain.
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Postby Falcon » Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:38 am

Note that Windows XP cannot access 4gb of RAM however Vista can and presumably Windows 7 when it becomes available. If you continue with XP on your new installation 2gb of RAM will be adequate. You can certainly install 4 gb of RAM in an XP installation but it just won't use it all. However it will be there for you in the future should you ever upgrade your operating system.

I agree with Jerzy - very difficult to specify a computer for someone else's needs. In general buy the fastest CPU your budget will tolerate.

But regardless of what PC you buy it will be out of date the next month.

To assist in swapping files from the old PC to the new one the simplest way (other than direct cable) is to buy a USB memory stick - copy all your EL data and license onto this and then copy from the stick into your new PC. This is no more than a simple windows file management process.


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Postby sysp34 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:57 pm

well just an old post

http://www.expertlotto.com/en/forum/for ... &nocount=1

i wonder when do i have that quad core + 4Gb Corsair, 1TeraGb :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :cool:

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Postby stan » Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:42 pm

it depends on your budget but quad core CPU, 4GB ram and 500+gb hard disk would be a very good machine. just don't bother with expensive graphics card (unless you want to play games as well:)


I just know double core (2 cpu) such as Sony VAIO VGN-AW235J/B
NOTEBOOK PC but which brand with quad core? Could you give me the
name of brand and its main characters?
just search internet for good offers. i don't have any good tips

Which characters of PC should decide the progress speed when we're
running EL Program? Which OS is good for our analysis? XP or VISTA?

i recommend 64bit os version. and you might also try some linux or solaris os as java is a bit faster there.

Which version of Java is requested? My current EL is B1070(JP).

always get the latest version of java available

In addition, how can I copy my EL Package from old PC to new PC? By
regular way such as copy it into DOWNLOADS then transfer it to PROGRAM FILM IN C PART or other special ways?

make a new installation to your new computer to the same location as in your old computer and then simply the content of expert lotto folder from your old computer to the new one
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Postby lottoboy » Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:49 am

Hi, Stan, Jerzy, Falcon and Sysp34:

Thanks for your sincere help!!!!
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Postby lottoboy » Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:01 am


If my new PC is based to quad-core with 64 bit home edition of Vista
and 4 GB of RAM, can the machine work well for the current version of EL(V4)? In other words, can I use the new PC above for EL (V4) immediately now and don't need to change anything once I get my new computer?
Any problem about it pls let me know asap. Thanks.
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Postby lottoboy » Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:36 am


Yesterday I sent an e-mail about PC shopping to CSenior.

He said:"If you get a PC-based quad-core make sure you get it with 64bit Vista Ultimate or lower... Do not get the home edition of Vista as it is missing some of the better library files. Note if you get 64bit some of your older programs will not load or work correctly. Stan's V5 will have all the capabilities to handle the 64bit architecture. EL the way it is now works fine with 64 bit as my machine is 64bit. Once you do this you might want to think of overclocking your quad-core in order to speed up filtering. I have posts on the different speeds, just use the search. That said, the memory settings posted by Stan are great. You will have to play with them to find a good number for your machine. That is pretty much it. For reference I have screen shots posted on some older posts."

Pls understand that I have to make sure the problem in my above post before I order my new PC. Could you give me an answer about it asap?
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Postby lottoboy » Sat Apr 25, 2009 5:26 pm


How are you doing today?

I'm looking forward to your answer now. Don't wary about it.
If V4 of EL doesn't support the Home version of Vista, which OS is good for?
As you know, the almost new PCs in the current market have been set by Home version of Vista. I have to pay extra money if I want to set other OS for my new PC. Also, if 4 GB of RAM doesn't work well for V4 of EL, how big size is fine? If 64 bit is not good, which one does? Anyway, any problem pls let me know. Then I can order my new PC according to the current V4 of EL.

I'm waiting the information from you for buying my new PC asap now. Thanks.

Have a good weekend,
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Postby lottoboy » Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:07 pm


Did you receive my E-mail I replied to you on last Wednesday?

Could you give me some instructions about my PC shopping as below:

1) You told me that:"If you get a PC-based quad-core make sure you get it with 64bit Vista Ultimate or lower... Do not get the home edition of Vista as it is missing some of the better library files. Note if you get 64bit some of your older programs will not load or work correctly."
Could you let me know which of the better library files will be missed if I get a new PC-based quad-core in detail? Also, if 64bit doesn't support the V4
of EL, which bit should do? If I order a new PC with two-core instead of quad-core, is everything OK?

2) I'm still not clear that:"You will have to play with them to find a good number for your machine." What's the good number and how can I find it for my new PC?

3) Could you recommend a new PC which not only is good for V4 of EL now but for V5 in the future?

Thanks for you sincere help!!!!

Also, I think Stan is too busy for V5 now to answer my post. Stan, take easy and take care pls!
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Ask for CSenior

Postby lottoboy » Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:48 am

Hi, CSenior:

Could you give me an answer now? Thanks.
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Postby CSenior » Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:50 am

No... I will have to check my spam box. I have strict rules setup and I am sure it is in the spam box.
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Postby CSenior » Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:59 am

Did you receive my E-mail I replied to you on last Wednesday?

No... I will have to check my spam box. I have strict rules setup and I am sure it is in the spam box.

Could you give me some instructions about my PC shopping as below:

1) You told me that:"If you get a PC-based quad-core make sure you get it with 64bit Vista Ultimate or lower... Do not get the home edition of Vista as it is missing some of the better library files. Note if you get 64bit some of your older programs will not load or work correctly."
Could you let me know which of the better library files will be missed if I get a new PC-based quad-core in detail? Also, if 64bit doesn't support the V4
of EL, which bit should do? If I order a new PC with two-core instead of quad-core, is everything OK?

Two cores are better... But from your questions I think it might be best for you to select a ready made machine where all you will have to do is turn it on and play.

2) I'm still not clear that:"You will have to play with them to find a good number for your machine." What's the good number and how can I find it for my new PC?

Again, I am talking about RAM here but I strongly suggest that you get a PC that is ready made. Meaning all the configurations are done for you.

3) Could you recommend a new PC which not only is good for V4 of EL now but for V5 in the future? I could recommend all day but your budget will be the one to dictate what strength of PC you will be getting.

Try www.newegg.com and look at some configurations based on your budget and post what you come up with and I will help you with your selection.

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