Making Estimates

Making Estimates

Postby Red Devil » Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:00 pm


Now I am totally confused, I was referring to what I believed was a historical repesentation of the differences of the last 11 draws in the last 199 drawings. Are you saying that this is not what the summary table represents, if not what does it represent?.

Having looked again I agree that I could probably use the "at most" and "at least" filters.


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Postby stan » Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:04 pm

[quote=Red Devil]
Now I am totally confused, I was referring to what I believed was a historical repesentation of the differences of the last 11 draws in the last 199 drawings. Are you saying that this is not what the summary table represents, if not what does it represent?.
that's correct. i was merely noting that the number of rows in that table is customizable.
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Making Estimates

Postby Red Devil » Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:35 pm


Then surely my analysis is correct.

If it is correct I think the best way forward is to reduce the 14,000,000 to even as many as 500,000 using a wide range with the history differences and then first use the segment filter followed by your favourite standard filters.

What do you reckon?


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Postby stan » Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:53 pm

[quote=Red Devil]
Then surely my analysis is correct.

If it is correct I think the best way forward is to reduce the 14,000,000 to even as many as 500,000 using a wide range with the history differences and then first use the segment filter followed by your favourite standard filters.

What do you reckon?

i'm not sure that your statistics are decisive enough but it's worth trying out. let me know if it works for you and i can try to automate that process in expert lotto later on.
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Making Estimates

Postby Red Devil » Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:20 pm


I'll keep you in touch of any developments and keep searching for the solution, I am not sure if you are completely aware of where I am coming from. I am just trying to show that it may be best to play the odds and wait for when your approach hits.

I hope you don't think I am being negative toward Expert Lotto, quite the opposite I find it probably the best Lottery software package that I have ever bought. The statistics, filtering and back checking functions are superb.


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Postby stan » Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:22 pm

[quote=Red Devil]
I hope you don't think I am being negative toward Expert Lotto, quite the opposite I find it probably the best Lottery software package that I have ever bought. The statistics, filtering and back checking functions are superb.

no problems here, even negative feedback is appreciated ;-)
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Postby PadawanLotto » Mon May 01, 2006 9:18 pm

How does the Simulation make a determination of increase/decrease? It isn't the sum average as I have seen the average to be lower then the sum and the forecast is increase and vise/versa. Is it how the segments are divided in the History Differences? The more lines in the first segment would indicate and increase and the fewer lines in the first segment would indicate a possible decrease?
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Postby stan » Tue May 02, 2006 11:54 am

How does the Simulation make a determination of increase/decrease? It isn't the sum average as I have seen the average to be lower then the sum and the forecast is increase and vise/versa. Is it how the segments are divided in the History Differences? The more lines in the first segment would indicate and increase and the fewer lines in the first segment would indicate a possible decrease?

wn history sums are recalculated for each ticket from the package or each ticket from the generator (depending on your choice) and it simply counts the instances where the ticket caused a sum increase and instance where there was a sum decrease. when finished the two counters are compared and 'prediction' is made. so it's just a statistical/probability value - nothing less, nothing more...
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Postby PadawanLotto » Sat May 06, 2006 10:24 am

It's really sad when you have correctly estimated 9 out of 11 sum movements and only hit 2 of the numbers drawn. Testing with Mega Millions as it only had 90 drawings before the last drawing and I know that the -5 thur -10 are on the increase at this point. Although, the -6 through me for a loop tonight as it drew a -7 as -5 is still moving up. Hey, I may not be hitting the numbers the way I would like to be but I still love this software. :-D
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Postby Simon69 » Sun May 07, 2006 7:55 pm

Hi Stan,

Delphi and VB.Net are the programming languages I'm developing tools/programs in at the moment...and ehh my knowledge of java is to insufficient to develop a program quickly :-) ...

It would be great if you incorporate the differences statistics into EL like the tool...and it would be even better if the columns statistics are added to EL too .... :-D


Here a tool I developed last week showing some Differences statistics.

I hope it wil be useful for making differences estimates.

Here the link :


looks like an interesting tool, thanks for sharing! btw, do you happen to know java by any chance? ;-)
if there's enough interest and if you don't mind i can incorporate it into future expert lotto versions.
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Postby Simon69 » Sun May 07, 2006 8:09 pm

Hi Maryland,

the number in front is the total sum hit of the difference(range).

e.g. the difference +5 has the following hit result : 12/9.
Front number 12 : If +5 comes up twice in a difference row then the hit wil be 2 for that row but for the second number (8) the hit will be counted as 1...
So if these are the hit results for the diff. +5 in this example then
the hit result will be calculated as followed ;
1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,3 = 12 = the front number and the second number will be 9
(9 times a hit in the difference history)



Here a tool I developed last week showing some Differences statistics.

I hope it wil be useful for making differences estimates.

Here the link :

Step 1 (Creating Diffrences(only) export file : Select the WN History page. Next You select the Summary Table subpage. Select in the dropdown box Diffrences only and press the Update Button. Press the Export button and save the "differences only" output.

Step 2 (Importing the output in WinSum.exe) : Go to the import results page of the tool and press the Import Result Button. Select the export file. The result will be loaded in the grid. Finally press at the Copy Results button and the results will be saved and shown at the WinSum Dif. Results page....

I guess the rest is clear enough....

Later this month ehh May, I will add columns statitstics to the program...

Good luck,


Simon69, the only thing I don't understand is the hit column for instance 9/8, I understand the 8 but what is the number in front?
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Postby Simon69 » Sun May 07, 2006 8:19 pm

Hi niceguyXXOO,

You have to extract the zip file (with winzip or winrar or another simular program) to a path like e.g. C:LotteryToolsWinSum

I think you execute the stats tool in your extracting/zipping tool instead of extracting it to a path first....

Good luck,


Hi Simon69.. I have just been experimenting with your excellent WinSum dif tool.. When I have finished using the tool, & wish to close it , I click on the top right hand corner "x", but the tool then dissappears & I have to start from scratch again the next time I want to use it. ( ie I have to go to the stats tool zip file & re-install it again.) Just wondering what I am doing wrong, or if there is a way around this, so I can save it to my desktop for future use? Many thanks
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Postby stan » Mon May 08, 2006 6:05 pm

Delphi and VB.Net are the programming languages I'm developing tools/programs in at the moment...and ehh my knowledge of java is to insufficient to develop a program quickly :-) ...
delphi is quite close to java i think. so let me know if you're interested, i can get you started ;-)

It would be great if you incorporate the differences statistics into EL like the tool...and it would be even better if the columns statistics are added to EL too .... :-D

would you be willing to share your source code with me? i guess i could create a separate plugin for your tool (which you can take over and maintian sometime in the future...)
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Postby Simon69 » Mon May 08, 2006 9:17 pm

Hi Stan,

I agree java has much in common with delphi, but at the moment I don't
have much time to learn another prog. language like java...delphi and are the languages I'm focusing on at the moment, but thanks for the offer :-) ..

The source code of the winsum tool is very quick and dirty - I programmed it in a couple of days..(in the evenings) - and has not the high level of the EL sourcecode I guess :-D ..First I'll add the columns statistics to the tool and then i'll sent you the source-code (use it at your own risk :-D )..

Stan, another question about the compound filter ;

How will be the following (example) compound filter read by EL?;

Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 3 : -5--1 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 3 : -15--11 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 1 : -40--36 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 3 : 6-10 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 1 : 21-25 in 399 WN tickets)
Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 3 : -5--1 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 3 : -20--16 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 1 : -25--21 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 3 : 1-5 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 1 : 11-15 in 399 WN tickets)

Will the block after OR treated as a new logical condition - independent from the first block?

Many Thanks,


Delphi and VB.Net are the programming languages I'm developing tools/programs in at the moment...and ehh my knowledge of java is to insufficient to develop a program quickly :-) ...
delphi is quite close to java i think. so let me know if you're interested, i can get you started ;-)

It would be great if you incorporate the differences statistics into EL like the tool...and it would be even better if the columns statistics are added to EL too .... :-D

would you be willing to share your source code with me? i guess i could create a separate plugin for your tool (which you can take over and maintian sometime in the future...)
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Postby stan » Tue May 09, 2006 11:59 am

Stan, another question about the compound filter ;

How will be the following (example) compound filter read by EL?;

Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 3 : -5--1 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 3 : -15--11 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 1 : -40--36 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 3 : 6-10 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 1 : 21-25 in 399 WN tickets)
Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 3 : -5--1 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 3 : -20--16 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 1 : -25--21 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 3 : 1-5 in 399 WN tickets)
AND Winning Numbers History Filter (leave 1 to 1 : 11-15 in 399 WN tickets)

Will the block after OR treated as a new logical condition - independent from the first block?

operator AND has higher precedence than OR (same as in delphi). so your filter actually is:

[m]a AND b AND c AND (d OR e) AND f AND g AND h[/m]

you'll need to setup two compound filters first to get the functionality you want:

sub1 OR sub2
sub1 = a AND b AND c AND d
sub2 = e AND f AND g AND h
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