More number groups for 40 ball draws.

More number groups for 40 ball draws.

Postby pyst7lot » Fri Jun 14, 2019 8:55 am

Might interest some people. Apart from the usual odd/even and high/low filters I use the following 8 groups of non-random numbers.

1. Low odd numbers & high even numbers

2. Low last digit numbers

3. Low low last digit number with High high last digit numbers

4. 1st 10 numbers with 3rd 10 numbers

5. 1st 10 numbers with 4th 10 numbers

6.1st 5 odd numbers - 2nd 5 even numbers - 3rd 5 odd numbers - 4th 5 even numbers

7. Alternate pairs of numbers.

8. Alternate consecutive 4 numbers.

Of course each of those has the opposite set of numbers. There you have it for what it's worth. :)
It's also debatable as to whether these are any more useful than just using random sets of 20 numbers.
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