Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby exoterikos » Fri Mar 08, 2024 10:36 am

Hello everyone!
Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterrns.png

My problem is found in "Match file"
What exactly should be its format?
I tried csv and text file, but it doesn't seem to return the correct result.
Should the patterns be with spaces in between or without?
=-=-=-+ or = - = - = - +

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Re: Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby Falcon » Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:51 am

You appear to have the numbers you wish to filter on as the name of the file. The numbers you wish to filter on should be in the contents of the file

There is also a relatively unknown Match Numbers in File process where the desired match conditions can be included within the contents of the file as well as the desired number set. The format for this is -


Where this would indicate a Match of 2 for a seven number lottery

Such a txt file will need to be constructed outside of Expertlotto.

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Re: Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby exoterikos » Sat Mar 09, 2024 6:50 pm

Hello Falcon. Of course, the archive will be created outside of the E.L. When we talk about moving patterns of level 0-10, we mean 11 marks
-=+ . I made a txt file. Well, it will look like this
- + - - + + + - + - +
- + - - + - - + - - +
+ = + - - - + - + - +

I tried something like this with a space between the marks, but without a space between them.
-+--+--+-- +
However, it does not return correct results. What am I missing here?
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Re: Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby Falcon » Sun Mar 10, 2024 12:27 am

I have not used that patterns filtering technique but I guess you could try a comma to separate those patterns..


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Re: Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby tdnl46w » Sun Mar 10, 2024 6:12 am

exoterikos wrote:My problem is found in "Match file"
What exactly should be its format?
I tried csv and text file, but it doesn't seem to return the correct result.
Should the patterns be with spaces in between or without?
=-=-=-+ or = - = - = - +

In this filter the .csv/.txt file format should be without spaces(e.g. -++=-+-). I tested this and it worked correctly. If you are still getting the wrong results, then something in the program has changed(e.g. Levels/Segments etc.), or there is possibly a missing/hidden symbol within the file.
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Re: Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby exoterikos » Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:34 pm

Tdnl46w once again you are right.
The hidden symbol within the file is probably the cause of the problem.

Probably because I copied the patterns from excel which contained formulas.
The next step is to make sure that if the same works correctly, if in the txt file I have put only the first 5 of the total 11 signs. (e.g. -++=- instead of -++=-+--++= ) .
2,3 examples that I tried seems to work properly.
it would be ideal if I could put some patterns of 3,4,5 characters which could be in any position in the total pattern of 11 characters (we are always talking about analyzing 10 levels of history)
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Re: Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby tdnl46w » Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:44 am

exoterikos wrote:it would be ideal if I could put some patterns of 3,4,5 characters which could be in any position in the total pattern of 11 characters

You can use a period symbol "." to exclude Levels. For instance, if the .csv/.txt file format is "...+-=......", then it will only match the movements for Levels 3,4,5(+-=).
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Re: Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby exoterikos » Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:32 pm

tdnl46w this works fine ! Thanks!
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Re: Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby exoterikos » Sun Mar 24, 2024 5:27 pm

I still have a problem with the filters related to moving patterns. Although I had some good results at one point, now I don't get the good results.
let's start from the beginning.
The "from file" filters accept 1.csv and 2.txt files.
menu -> winning numbers -> show as properties ->SEGMENT DIFFERENCES SUM MOVEMENT PATTERNS ->export as CSV. I simply then save the pattern of the last draw 3 times in the file for the purpose of the test.
When I enter the CSV file in the filter with settings at least 1, or 2 patterns must pass,returns the package numbers . At least 3 patterns must pass returns empty. The result must be 3 to return the next draw after filtering "Run to package" which contains the next draw. CSV file contains 3 same rows which are the pattern of the next draw.
I am using notepad++ trying to export txt file(png1) .

I tried utf-8 and ANSI encoding, but using the txt file does not give the right result.
I reinstalled the E.L. and I also tried it on a second computer. I got the same wrong results.
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Re: Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby tdnl46w » Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:27 am

The patterns in the .csv/.txt input file are combinations of the multiple Levels movements. So if you use "At least [1] patterns must pass", this means it will only match single text lines for any full or partial patterns. Partial patterns are text lines that use the period character "." to exclude Levels from a pattern.

If you use "At least [2] patterns must pass", then the patterns in the text file must have at least two lines/patterns that are a partial combination of the same Levels.

Example, using two text lines and five Levels;

- Input file text lines are;

The above text lines have a least two lines/patterns that are a partial combination of the same Levels. If the filter is set to "At least [2] patterns must pass", then it will accept package tickets with the following patterns;

- Patterns to pass are;

So a ticket in the package must have both partial patterns "=-++" and "-++" in the same Levels to pass. The last Levels in the patterns to pass example can be any symbol(highlighted in red), because there were period characters in Level 5 for both input file text lines. If you need more info on the text file line formats(etc.), let me know.

Note: There is also a plugin to create Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns from a latest draw by installing the Automation plugin. Once installed, in the main menu click on Automation-> Segment Differences Movement Pattern, and make sure to select at least 3 latest draws in the plugin for it to work. This plugin makes it much easier to generate combinations of patterns to filter from. The plugin doesn't have any documentation(afaik), but I will do some more testing and see if it is possible to post a guide.
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Re: Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby exoterikos » Sun Mar 31, 2024 3:34 pm

Tdnl46w I think all this above is understandable..
So a simple 10 levels Segments Differences Sum Movement Patterns example ,using the same pattern everywhere.
1. pattern package with only 1 pattern "-+++++-+-+-"
2. 3 rows text file

Filter is set to "At least [3] patterns must pass", and when we run to the package, it must will accept package ticket with the numbers of following pattern
" -+++++-+-+-" .
In this example, the package ticket is returned only when Filter is set to "At least [1] patterns must pass".
I also think that when Filter is set to "At least [3] patterns must pass" it should return the correct result.
But since it doesn't accept it, the only thing I can assume is that the txt has some error or for some reason E.L. he can't read it.
Txt file format is without spaces (e.g. -++=-+-) and Levels/Segments settings are correct.
Is there any more info on the text file line formats?
What other reason could lead to a wrong result?
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Re: Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby tdnl46w » Mon Apr 01, 2024 4:39 am

The text file formats are correct, it's the way in which the option "At least [x] patterns must pass." is used. When you use the option for "At least [1] patterns must pass.", then it is matching patterns from one text line at a time. When you use "At least [3] patterns must pass.", then it is matching patterns that are formed from three text lines at a time.

In the example, there are three text line patterns;...


...if the option is set to "At least [3] patterns must pass.", then the filter will look for tickets that have all three patterns. Since these three patterns cover all the Levels used, none of the package tickets can be accepted, because a ticket can not have all three patterns at the same time. If you set the option to "At least [1] patterns must pass.", then it will accept any package tickets that have one of those three text line patterns(in the example they are the same pattern, so it would still work with only one text line).
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Re: Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby exoterikos » Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:34 pm

Thanks Tdnl46w. I realized my wrong reasoning.
of course, in the previous txt it is not possible to set "At least [3] patterns must pass".
but in the next txt (if I'm wrong please correct me),
we can set "At least [1or 2or 3 or 4 or 5] patterns must pass".
Each pattern addresses different levels, so even if it is unlikely to confirm such a pattern as a whole, the E.L. can accept set "At least [5] patterns must pass".

As for creating Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns from a latest draw by the Automation plugin, I am certainly waiting for the possible guide you mentioned in the previous post. But at first I tried to understand basically how to generate combinations of patterns. png1

Starting and examining the output file, it is clear that in the set of Levels min3-max10, the filter does not deal with Levels 0,1 and 2 (png2)

Also the Pattern size 5 we see that in the output txt file it gives us sequences with 5 (+-=) signs
What I noticed is that the filter definitely does not give ALL the possible combinations of (+-=) signs. So somehow the filter makes a choice about which combinations to keep.
I imagine that there may be some statistical basis in all this. Do you have any idea? Thank you very much!
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Re: Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns

Postby tdnl46w » Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:18 am

The Automation-> Segment Differences Movement Pattern plugin("Sum" is missing in the title, it's a plugin typo) generates combinations(not permutations) from a latest draws Levels movements pattern.

Brief descriptions of the plugin options;

- Draws: 3 latest draws (Note: at least three latest draws need to be selected for the plugin to work).
- Table " Latest history sums: " table row..."Pattern:" <- This is the pattern used to generate the output file combinations.
- Level min: [0] max: [4] <- This is used to adjust a starting and ending Level sequence. Current setting is Levels 0 to 4.
- Pattern size: [4] <- This is the count of Levels to use. The message "Patterns to generate: 5" is just information on how many text lines will be generated for the current plugin settings.
- Output file: Browse... and then name the file to save.

Example. In the above plugin settings, if there are 5 Levels and the table row "Pattern:" is;+-+-+ ,...then the following combinations text format will be generated;

The five generated text line patterns above are simply all the size [4] combinations that can be a created from the pattern of "+-+-+". The period character(".") is auto-generated from the plugin to exclude Levels in order to form the sizes of the combinations.The output tab window that opens in the program after saving a file is mainly for reference and can be closed if needed. So basically, the main purpose of this plugin is just to help automate the creation of combinations from more complex patterns(i.e. many Levels or complex sequences of Levels).
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