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Statistical filter

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:22 am
by mmercalde
Can someone shed some light on this;

I am filtering pairs using the Statistical filter, after I enter the condition there is an option of Applies to X to Y in each ticket. I've read the documentation over and over but dont understand. Per the documentation when filtering ticket numbers according to statistics each accepted ticket can contain up to 6 numbers that the filter's statistical condition(s) pull from the whole number pool(in a 6/xx lottery).

But, the filter gives me the option of up to 10 to 10 in each ticket. I am playing a 5/39.
Could someone explain this to me or give me an example?

Thank you

Re: Statistical filter

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:30 am
by stan
when filtering pairs in a 5/xx lottery then each filtered ticket can contain up to 10 number pairs. so if you select e.g. 6 numbers pairs in the filter window then you may use that option to accept only tickets that have all 6 selected pairs. or if you select 10 or more number pairs then the option allows accepting only tickets that consist of the selected number pairs only.