Digits Sum at Positions Filter as Group

Digits Sum at Positions Filter as Group

Postby feelinLucky » Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:51 pm

Since Digits Sum at Positions do not have a regular filter, how would I remove all positions DS1 thru DS5 as a group per draw.
In other words, if I want to remove the 10 separate combinations below how would I do this with a complex filter. Remember each combination below has multiple draws associated with each sum combination.

For example last 10 draws:
6 7 8 7 8
8 7 8 8 8
3 5 4 5 6
7 9 7 10 11
4 7 10 8 7
7 8 4 9 8
9 10 3 8 10
1 9 2 5 10

So, in other words, the groups above could have 1200 draws associated with the ten groups and I would want to remove only the 1200 draws. I can't seem to find a eloquent way to do this. If this is unclear, go to winning number properties, choose digits sum at positions and you will notice that each draw has a group of digit sum for each position for the particular draw. I want to remove the complete sum combination for multiple draws. I hope that helps.

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Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:37 am

Re: Digits Sum at Positions Filter as Group

Postby tdnl46w » Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:34 am

Tools->Options->Statistics. In the Combined Statistics tab select Add and enter a title/name. Then Combine: Digits Sum 1 + Digits Sum 2(etc.) in the drop down menus. Use a statistical filter to analyze combined statistics under that title/name. Hope this helps.
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Re: Digits Sum at Positions Filter as Group

Postby feelinLucky » Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:40 am

tdnl46w wrote:Tools->Options->Statistics. In the Combined Statistics tab select Add and enter a title/name. Then Combine: Digits Sum 1 + Digits Sum 2(etc.) in the drop down menus. Use a statistical filter to analyze combined statistics under that title/name. Hope this helps.

You know I completely forgot about the combined statistics. I set up a few filters awhile back and never used it again. A big thanks for reminding me of this powerful function.
Posts: 86
Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:37 am

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