Number Range Filter Addition

Number Range Filter Addition

Postby Alcymart » Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:30 am

I would like to suggest a an addition to the Number Range Position filter.

Here is just how it would work:

The filter would also calculate the best range of numbers per position but with littleuser input. No predicting involved. It could look like this:

Select Success Rate% 50%

Calculating please wait...

Min Max
P1 3-18
P2 19-25
P3 22-36
P4 34-41
P5 39-45
P6 41-49

So we can get best ranges

As for the fomula, I am not too sure however this additional feature would obviously base its selection on past winning numbers statistics...

We could decide on a certain draw that we are ready to take a huge risk and end up with this:

Select Success Rate % 1% Risk 99%

Calculating please wait...

Min Max
P1 4-6
P2 19-21
P3 24-27
P4 32-33
P5 36-38
P6 47-49

Or we take little risk...

Select Success Rate % 95% Risk 5%

Calculating please wait...

Min Max
P1 1-25
P2 12-35
P3 19-39
P4 20-43
P5 26-48
P6 28-49

If you don't think its time to automate a few filters Stan, its ok. I was just suggesting this as a start to the black box which will do most everything for us.
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Postby stan » Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:14 am

what's success rate and what's risk? how do you calculate those?
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I'll explain

Postby Alcymart » Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:27 am

Well stats could be taken from the most due numbers per position and then a range is set by taking the lowest number and highest. Perhaps the % of success could be simply that it will pick more or less due numbers to leave in the package. Here is an example:

Lets say stats show this for position 1:

Position 1 Due
16 6.62
4 3.74
9 2.43
18 2.12
2 1.53
17 1.36
15 1.26
6 1.15
10 1.04
19 1.00
25 0.96
3 0.96
28 0.86
26 0.67
21 0.65
23 0.63
30 0.51
13 0.49
8 0.48
20 0.47
24 0.31
1 0.27
12 0.25
11 0.21
7 0.20
22 0.09
5 0.08
14 0.06
27 0.04

At 100% success, it would take the lowest number and highest which are 1 and highest is 30. So best range would be range 1 to 30 for position 1.

Now I say that they could be taken from the due column however and perhaps it could be taken from rank or other. I leave you the choice to decide where you think we get the best range from our ticket position stats.

At 1% success rate it could first find the average and lets say it would be 14. It would then grab 1 number above 14 and one under. 5% could be 2 numbers above and 2 below the average. Its blunt, I know

Does that make any sense or do you have a better idea? The point is that by knowing the best ranges per position, our odds increase greatly. Automating 1 filter at a time until we eventually reach the black box that picks numbers for us. But we must start somewhere.

The filter Number range filter already there could set the best positions. Now I say success rate but it could be something else but I think you get the point.
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Postby stan » Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:39 am

if it's based on due numbers then why not filter directly for those numbers from the stats table?
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Postby Alcymart » Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:00 pm

We don't know what the best range is without making calculations and it takes time. the best range is there so why not use it. Its faster, and eventually all filters would have their little prediction module. When you make the black box , it will simply run them all and come up with most likely combinations. I fnd its a great idea... don't you? There is not too much coding, and if this works, we can then add a prediction module to other filters 1 by 1. The question is more of where will we take the stats for this and that filter. The number position filter, I thought about the due rank but if you have a better idea, let me know Stan.

The prediction modules in each filter don't actually predict, well they do...hummm... they actually just grab their info from the stats to make things quicker and to eliminate human error.

I guess I want to start preparing version 5.0...LOL

Understand that my line of work is marketing and selling online and teaching how to make more sales so that side of me wants to help I guess. If you noticed, you made more sales since 1 month right? I helped a little there, and don't forget the link to this board in EL... that's going to boost sales again. Heck I want your girlfriend to see that money can be made selling software while waiting for the big one. With a flip of a switch I could send a million hits next month to your home page. I am serious! I am an online marketing expert .. well over 20 years now. I wrote many e-books on selling and I am , or was until my stroke the #1 seller in many opps online, and powerseller on ebay. I am doing this to crack the jackpot as I already have all the money I can dream of. My wife bought EL under her name but I use it also. I help her at the same time as "she" really would like to crak the lotto like me!

Expert Lotto has got to become more user friendly even dummy friendly if you want to expect massive sales. Look at Lotto Pro, they are the #1 selling software because its too easy to use. They don't need to tell me they sell the most copies, I know from experience that they are #1, but they are not the #1 lotto software tool. That spot is reserved for Expert Lotto.
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Postby stan » Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:17 pm

i'm sorry but you'll have to elaborate your prediction ideas in more details.

as for the expert lotto sales - they have been pretty much steady for the past couple of months. the truth is the discussion board has become more lively (thanks to you:) but it's the same set of people visiting it.
we also don't have any active advertising to drive people to our web site. but if you want to help us you're most welcome. you (actually anybody) can register as our affiliate (see our web site) and get a nice commission from each sale.

we're aware that expert lotto is very complex software and sometimes not so easy to use. but there are two reasons for that:
a) the lotteries and the strategies to crack the jackpot are complex as well (if they were not then why bother with lottery software at all:)
b) there are always requests for new features which usually add more complexity
we're planing to integrate the predictor into expert lotto (see the prediction button in stats and wn history) which should help people looking for a simpler 'single-click' solutions. but i'm afraid expert lotto will never be as user friendly (read simple) as other lottery software - at least as long as it is the best lottery software on the market :gun:
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Postby Alcymart » Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:48 pm

Let me explain in 1 line. lets pretend we are 1 or 2 years from now...

EL's filter all have a best settings button to select for us best filter settings.

That changes everything and EL is now easy to understand for everybody!

It is not a complex software anymore. A newbie can use it and an expert also as he can play with settings as he pleases. Is it not the direction you would like to take with EL?

This is not like adding more filters or stuff, its polishing EL simply. If you want to see complex software, download Lotto Architect... now that's complex!

EL is not too bad but can be better with a little polishing is what I mean Stan.

I'll think about becoming an affiliate eventually and show you where I come from...sure.
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Postby stan » Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:57 pm

sure, 'best settings' button in the filter window would be great, but how do i implement it? :-D
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Postby maroc » Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:10 pm

Hi Alcymart ,

You make a lot of nuise.I can hear you trough my screen!
So please forget about saling EL and other stof...
If you want to shout your idea and ... There is...

When you ask for some thing to be done , just ask .We are here to help each other and to improve EL.But not to...

So please :motz:

Thank you.
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Postby stan » Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:30 pm

there's no need for strong words, let's focus on the jackpot... ;-)
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Postby Alcymart » Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:57 pm

Hi Maroc,

I was surprised by your post. You are obviously a very sceptical person. I taught skeptics, but this is not the place. You tell me to stop selling... well let me tell you one thing... The day I stop selling is the day they will bury me. You have no idea who I am and where I come from. I am sure you are an intelligent person, however cracking the lotto may not be for you! One must have enthusiasm, and the will to achieve what other say impossible! One must be themselves and honest but most of all must possess creativity and ideas to move things forward. I doubt you will be the one to crack the lotto the way you act. I have accomplished what everyone thought impossible which was making good money online and was earning a very good living and proud of what I achieved!

Today I am sort of retired for I want to profit of the life i have left in me, and my challenge is cracking the lotto, and you know what? I WILL Succeed within a year with or without anybody's help!

I don't need to work anymore... and I can play lotto with no restrictions as to budget. The day you can achieve this, get back to me and we'll talk. I have nothing more to say to you.

"A ship at a dock is safe, But that's not what ships were built for"
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alcymart-i on your team

Postby jimbo » Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:57 am

continue as you have been, i welcome your wisdom and ideas, we at work call it brainstorming creative ideas from a diff set of eyes. i for one am learning to use EL from your posts. what we can do is start a thread and call it aclymarts place.

bottoms up folks
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