

Postby PaulT » Sat May 24, 2008 2:49 pm

If this program, (or any other lottery predictor software) worked, then why haven't we had a winner ?


Because it's all bullshit.

Nothing on this earth can predict random outcome. Nothing.

Save your money and stop wasting time on all this bulltwang.

You would do just as well with an autopick. Truely. ... Yes, it's that simple.

C'arn guys ..... Wake Up!!!
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Postby PadawanLotto » Sat May 24, 2008 3:42 pm

Lottery software programs usually do not claim to predict winning number combinations. Lottery software gives you a set of different statistical analysis to show what the most common occurrences of actual drawn numbers are. You can eliminate unlikely combinations and it is up to you and your intuition to make a decision on what numbers and combinations to play and most lottery software developers will tell you this in the description of their product.

Personally I rarely play the lottery but I like to work with analysis software and I have found Expert Lotto to be the most enjoyable to work with over the years that I have been working with lottery analysis software programs.

Expert Lotto can produce winning combinations if, you choose the correct settings and if you choose the correct numbers and combinations to play. This is the way all lottery software works, the software provides statistical analysis of common events and you determine what statistical filters to use and you determine what numbers and combinations are the best to play.

Statistics show that most people that play the lottery win on auto picks. Have you ever noticed how many times someone wins the jackpot on drawings where the numbers come up in a combination that are crazy and are combinations that you would never play? If you don’t like the software program please don’t bash it here in the forum. Just put it away and go out and purchase yourself some nice auto picks.

Good Luck and may all of your numbers be winners.

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Postby lottoboy » Sat May 24, 2008 8:19 pm

Lottery software programs usually do not claim to predict winning number combinations. Lottery software gives you a set of different statistical analysis to show what the most common occurrences of actual drawn numbers are. You can eliminate unlikely combinations and it is up to you and your intuition to make a decision on what numbers and combinations to play and most lottery software developers will tell you this in the description of their product.

Personally I rarely play the lottery but I like to work with analysis software and I have found Expert Lotto to be the most enjoyable to work with over the years that I have been working with lottery analysis software programs.

Expert Lotto can produce winning combinations if, you choose the correct settings and if you choose the correct numbers and combinations to play. This is the way all lottery software works, the software provides statistical analysis of common events and you determine what statistical filters to use and you determine what numbers and combinations are the best to play.

Statistics show that most people that play the lottery win on auto picks. Have you ever noticed how many times someone wins the jackpot on drawings where the numbers come up in a combination that are crazy and are combinations that you would never play? If you don’t like the software program please don’t bash it here in the forum. Just put it away and go out and purchase yourself some nice auto picks.

Good Luck and may all of your numbers be winners.



I agreed with you!!!

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Postby CSenior » Sat May 24, 2008 9:09 pm


Because it's all bullshit.


If it is such bullshit as you say... Why then ever bother making a post about it? Why not just move on as others that think like you have done? I know your time is more valuable than wasting it here.

Nothing on this earth can predict random outcome. Nothing.

Really? Tell me this then... What were the odds of YOU being born since randomness can not be predicted? (Think about this very carefully) Yet you came to be but was it out of randomness?

Save your money and stop wasting time on all this bulltwang.

You would do just as well with an autopick. Truely. ... Yes, it's that simple.

In one breathe you say to stop wasting your money and in the next breathe you say to just do an autopick... Which one is it??

C'arn guys ..... Wake Up!!!

We are awake... Are you really awake is the question???

And since you time is very valuable I don't expect an answer to any of the questions above.

Thank you and have a great day! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
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Postby niceguy » Sun May 25, 2008 2:16 am

You must realise that because lotto is random, no software or person can guarantee to select all the winning numbers, but what it does do is make selecting your numbers a lot more fun, and can significantly increase your chances of winning for example you can use odd/even, high/low ratios, wheels etc. Besides that in E/L if you generate a full set of tickets for your game, so that you know when starting out that you have definitely got the jackpot ticket, you just need to filter out the dud tickets. You are therefore playing with control, not guesswork :-D
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Postby PaulT » Fri May 30, 2008 1:20 pm

The only people making $$$ are the guys writing and marketing this type of software.

If it was such a better way to pick your weekly numbers, then surely we would have had some success stories posted on here by now?

Yes, I think you have as much chance with an autopick (that costs nothing) as against picking your numbers based on the this program (or any other lotto program for that matter).

It only takes a wee negative post such as mine to really cut to the cold hard fact of the matter and bring out the diehard believers on the defensive and ready to attack.

I guess the truth hurts, but we must face the reality. We are dealing with random events. No more, no less.... Random Events.

This program could narrow down statistically to what it 'predicts' are those winning no's only to have 1,2,3,4,5,6 come out of the random hat!

Arrrghh! So close! Ah well, try again next week.

It all boils down to luck. : )
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Postby Falcon » Fri May 30, 2008 2:23 pm

Much prefer to steer to the tickets I play than have them randomly picked for me. I have never had a qpick ticket give me a 1,2,3,4,5,6 and I have never had a qpick ticket give me a decent prize either, and on the other hand I have never steered my tickets to give a 1,2,3,4,5,6 and then on the other hand I have had some nice prizes out of my ticket steering.

And quite frankly if you think your negative post really cut to the cold hard facts of the matter most of us here couldn't give a stuff what you think or do. I would think it didn't put off one new purchaser of the product nor stop one person from here continuing to use the tool.

For most of us its a hobby. Quite happy for Stan to make a few $$$'s- even if it is for a lottery it is still quality software and worthy of reward - it enhances the enjoyment of my hobby, and I am delighted Stan has seen fit to use his talents to bring us this lottery tool.

good luck

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Postby Midas » Fri May 30, 2008 4:40 pm


PaulT might be a genuine commentator.

OK lets say for arguments sake EL is a terrible program, the authors make too much money off our hard earned cash, poor respondents to good user requests, sell the notion you can win a lottery jackpot,....etc, these might be real concerns to such new users, so clearly in my opinion there is a customer satisfaction problem which does not satisfy the needs of PaulT.

PaulT perhaps you can enlighten us with your worldly wisdom on what you would like to see in EL, How as a paying user you can be better served compared with other lotto programs.?

EL Forum is an open meeting ground of like minded individuals who would like to address the needs of all types of lotto players from the novice to expert. There are no guarantees in life, but for sure there are plenty of lotto winners and sore losers every week, maybe you have some better solutions?.

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Postby PadawanLotto » Fri May 30, 2008 6:28 pm

Much prefer to steer to the tickets I play than have them randomly picked for me.
For most of us its a hobby. Quite happy for Stan to make a few $$$'s- even if it is for a lottery it is still quality software and worthy of reward - it enhances the enjoyment of my hobby, and I am delighted Stan has seen fit to use his talents to bring us this lottery tool.

good luck

[/quote] :finger: I agree!
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Postby niceguy » Sat May 31, 2008 3:02 am


And quite frankly if you think your negative post really cut to the cold hard facts of the matter most of us here couldn't give a stuff what you think or do. I would think it didn't put off one new purchaser of the product nor stop one person from here continuing to use the tool.

For most of us its a hobby. Quite happy for Stan to make a few $$$'s- even if it is for a lottery it is still quality software and worthy of reward - it enhances the enjoyment of my hobby, and I am delighted Stan has seen fit to use his talents to bring us this lottery tool.

good luck


I totally agree Falcon. Good on you I would think the amount of time stan spends on helping us all perfect E/L, he deserves every $ he gets.. I guess like most of us he sees it as a hobby tho :-D
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Postby Bobijohn » Sat May 31, 2008 1:59 pm

Falcon - Well said.

Stan - Thanks again for a Brilliant and Excellent program.

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Postby Maryland » Sat May 31, 2008 4:11 pm

Stan has two (to do) list now (Honey Do) and (EL do) :-)
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I'll tell you why...

Postby Alcymart » Sat May 31, 2008 10:23 pm

How can you recognize when a certain pattern of numbers represents some real effect of some real cause, and when it is just the chance result of random fluctuations? What we are all doing is trying to identify departures from randomness basically.

Your facts are wrong:

In the New York State Lotto, more than 50% of all players use QP's... But QP's has accounted for only 38% of the winners.

Here In Canada, 47.8% of all tickets sold are QP's... But only 20.8% of jackpot winning tickets come from QP's!

What this means is that a much larger number of winning tickets come from people who choose their own numbers! This is exactly opposite of what you might expect. So much for QP's!

Also, if you studied some Distribution Probability stats, A drawing machine just can't deliver what it doesn't have lots of, and combinations always have a bias towards a particular delta combination.

We are far from wasting our time, cause the lotto will be cracked simply due to the fact that a machine cannot spit out just anything as you may think.

Theres a much easier way to find the next draws numbers and its not by cracking randomness. Simply generate all lotto combinations in your lotto and check the stats area. Call this the signature of your lotto.

Notice that each number has an equall chance to be drawn, however if you look at the ticket position stats, the bias is towards smaller numbers. This in itself tells you quite clearly that the lotto will be cracked someday simply because the drawing machine will always try its hardest to draw as closest it can to draw towards the bias. This goes for all numbers, sums, odd/evens...etc... remove 1 single number from the barrel and the bias changes dramatically!

People and software are not winning because they are relying too much on past draws instead of the machine itself and future draws.

Past draws will only reveal what happened, and not future draws. Also, computers only do what we tell them to do. Expert Lotto is the best due to the fact that we can tell the computer what to do exactly with the numbers and does it better than any other lotto software.

I'm not wasting my time cause I love to play with numbers and I know I'll win the jackpot in my lifetime and hopefully EL or LP will still be around for me to announce I won with scanned proof.

Will I reveal my method? I doubt it, cause if I do, its the end of lotteries and my hobby.
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Postby HMSTOMAHAWK » Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:38 am

I only know something ...

I have been playing quick picks many times on the past and NEVER NEVER


INCREDIBLE I BEGIN TO WIN....no jackpot yet but...i win 3,4, many times and very near the five ball...and six ball.



millions ? and why a bit only WIN BIG PRIZES ???? WHY ?


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Postby Falcon » Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:12 am

Interesting information Alcymart regarding qpick sales and then ratio of winners from qpicks and non qpicks. I tried to get that information from my lottery commission but they are very reluctant to divulge it. I wonder why?

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