
These statistics show the occurrences of all possible number pairs in analyzed tickets. In a x/49 lottery the pairs are 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 and so on up to 47-48 and 48-49.

For example in Expert Lotto 6/49 Demo Lottery the 10 latest draws are:

2010/28 Sun 2nd 23 29 36 42 44 47 [07]
2010/28 Sun 1st 06 13 14 19 41 42 [29]
2010/28 Wed 2nd 02 13 16 17 25 40 [27]
2010/28 Wed 1st 16 18 22 23 28 29 [24]
2010/27 Sun 2nd 01 06 12 24 32 41 [44]
2010/27 Sun 1st 02 15 22 29 30 37 [42]
2010/27 Wed 2nd 20 23 25 30 33 35 [07]
2010/27 Wed 1st 08 11 19 26 48 49 [18]
2010/26 Sun 2nd 08 11 18 32 36 38 [06]
2010/26 Sun 1st 05 06 11 31 40 43 [32]

Pairs analysis shows that the draws don't contain pair 1-2. Also pairs 1-3, 1-4 and 1-5 are not found in analyzed tickets. Pair 1-6 occurs just once (see cells with blue background in the table above).
For example pair 22-29 has been found twice in the analyzed tickets (see cells with orange background) so the analyzer table shows Occurrence value of 2 in the corresponding table row.

See also Consecutive Pairs statistics.