Tip Needed

Tip Needed

Postby jimbo » Sun May 17, 2009 10:25 pm

have 8 packages done with diff basic filters. after i remove the numbers i dont want, i get them down to around to 30,000. on the avg they all have the jackpot or 15 or more with 4 number hit.

what i could use, is an idea as to how to filter down to a playable level using the best approach to keep most of the winners?

is tightening up wnh sums the best approach?

have tried systematic and random.
and coverage filter for quads triples and pairs. results were fair.
would like to see if i can improve some way.

should i shuffle the package and try something?


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Postby kdsjeter » Mon May 18, 2009 9:16 pm

What type of lottery are you playing 5/39?

Try filtering on last digits. I have had good success with that. Also if your game has a lot of history, say over 2000 draws, try filtering out trips with zero occurrences.

Refrain from filtering quads in combination with filtering triples as that almost always removes the jackpot.

Good luck!
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Postby jimbo » Tue May 19, 2009 3:27 am

play ny 5/39

just did another test on todays draw, had 2800 tickets with jackpot in it,
just couldnt find a filter to get'em down and keep the big one.

be happy with a match 4, but there all gone also

some of the filters i havent got a grip on yet so i dont use.

i'll give the last digit a shot.
did try wnh sum history graph, if i could only estimate.

hey thanks

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Postby Falcon » Tue May 19, 2009 4:06 am

In your original post you said
I have 8 packages done with diff basic filters.

Is this 8 separate packages developed independently of each other with your filtering techniques and that there is the possibility each of these packages is holding the winning ticket?

If so I suggest you do a search in these forums for 'Perl' as the methods discussed in the Perl threads will be of assistance in removing unwanted tickets where multiple packages are involved.

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Postby stan » Tue May 19, 2009 5:36 pm

In your original post you said
I have 8 packages done with diff basic filters.

Is this 8 separate packages developed independently of each other with your filtering techniques and that there is the possibility each of these packages is holding the winning ticket?

If so I suggest you do a search in these forums for 'Perl' as the methods discussed in the Perl threads will be of assistance in removing unwanted tickets where multiple packages are involved.


that would be my advice as well
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Postby jimbo » Fri May 22, 2009 12:21 am

yes all the packages are seperate and each one is filtered diff.
i kind of test each one when i have time to see which one is better.
each one i pretty much just added one more filter.

i'll check out the thread.

have fun

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perl tip

Postby jimbo » Sun May 24, 2009 4:29 am

stats worked better
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Postby kookoo » Sun May 24, 2009 11:05 pm

stats worked better

hi jimbo,

if you have found that thread(perl tips) can you give it to me since I have search but couldn't find it.

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Postby Falcon » Mon May 25, 2009 3:58 am


All you need search for is - perl- not perl tips. There are at least 6 pages of discussion found under perl.

Perl is a separate program to EL that you will need to install (do a google for Perl to find the free downloadable file) and install it in your C: directory. It then has to be run from the command prompt - go to Start (lower left hand corner of screen) and click on Run to get the command prompt. This is all in the thread discussion. You will also need to download a file Stan has prepared - actually this is the file you run from the command prompt - it needs the perl application to work it.

Perl used with EL is primarily a file comparison tool where if you have two files containing common data the way Stan has written his perl application file is that the common data is the output. Thus if you have two packages and each of them after filtering contain the jackpot line then this line will be in the output and all other non common lines combinations will be excluded.

From experience your packages need to be less than 30000 lines so that they do not contain too many other common lines.

The benefit of Perl is that it is exceptionally fast and the way Stan has (very cleverly) prepared his file is that you can compare any number of files together at the one time so that file 1 gets compared to every other file, and then file 2 is compared with all others etc. However it is a bit clumsy in handling the whole process within the Command line of Windows. I am sort of hoping Stan might be able to include some sort of direct link into this perl filter process within the next version to make it all a bit easier to handle. That would be nice.

The perl thread is quite detailed so if you can find where it all commenced and go from there it is a good learning experience for this tool. Bobijohn has contributed much to the thread.


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Postby kookoo » Wed May 27, 2009 1:01 am


All you need search for is - perl- not perl tips. There are at least 6 pages of discussion found under perl.

Perl is a separate program to EL that you will need to install (do a google for Perl to find the free downloadable file) and install it in your C: directory. It then has to be run from the command prompt - go to Start (lower left hand corner of screen) and click on Run to get the command prompt. This is all in the thread discussion. You will also need to download a file Stan has prepared - actually this is the file you run from the command prompt - it needs the perl application to work it.

Perl used with EL is primarily a file comparison tool where if you have two files containing common data the way Stan has written his perl application file is that the common data is the output. Thus if you have two packages and each of them after filtering contain the jackpot line then this line will be in the output and all other non common lines combinations will be excluded.

From experience your packages need to be less than 30000 lines so that they do not contain too many other common lines.

The benefit of Perl is that it is exceptionally fast and the way Stan has (very cleverly) prepared his file is that you can compare any number of files together at the one time so that file 1 gets compared to every other file, and then file 2 is compared with all others etc. However it is a bit clumsy in handling the whole process within the Command line of Windows. I am sort of hoping Stan might be able to include some sort of direct link into this perl filter process within the next version to make it all a bit easier to handle. That would be nice.

The perl thread is quite detailed so if you can find where it all commenced and go from there it is a good learning experience for this tool. Bobijohn has contributed much to the thread.



Thanks falcon, I will look for it.

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Postby jimbo » Wed May 27, 2009 2:31 pm

hey thanks, i never did find it and thought it was pro-perl-y that they were giving me the tip to.

thanks for straightening me out kokoo

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Postby jimbo » Wed May 27, 2009 2:33 pm

and a thanks to Falcion also.

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