Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby LottoNoob1234 » Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:07 am

Hii Stan

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this

Expert Lotto is the best lottery software I have ever used, nothing really comes close, but there is one feature that I think its missing (or maybe its already in there in some way and I'm ignorant about it, if so please inform me)

There's this lottery software called WinHunter that I used to use

Its a pretty good one for an oldy, the problem with it though is that the way that it applied filters and how a user could tune a filter was very complicated, I could never grasp how to use it, yet I can easily grasp how the filters work in Expert Lotto and how to use and manipulate them

One thing WinHunter has though that I don't think Expert Lotto has (and it would make the software even more powerful and user friendly) is the ability to automatically optimize filters

Basically you'd right click on a filter and click "Win Hunter" and a menu would pop up showing all the variables on a selected filter and their ranges, you'd select the variables you want to be tested and click a button to start, and the program would run through every iteration of the variable value combinations, back testing each iteration against a selected range of winning numbers, and when its finished it would report only the combinations that performed the best under each prize category (1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, Jackpot, etc) and how each of those that passed performed in the other categories (e.g. show how the one with the highest jackpots performed in 1/5 to 4/5 prize categories, because if it had the most jackpots but only got like one 4/5 prize among 100 drawings, then it was likely just a fluke and not a good filter)

https://www.youtube.com/embed/G7WdqIxBU ... 55&end=335

For example lets say I'm creating a complex filter, I add a statistical filter and set it to "Ticket Numbers"
The variables set on my filter are:
"Winning Numbers" (as in the draws used)
"Occurrence >=" (the range of occurrences I'm filtering by)
"Applies to [X] to [X] in each ticket" (two number variables for the range of tickets the filter is applied to)

If there was an automatic filter optimization feature that integrated with the back testing section, I could click one button, set the ranges I wanted it to test:
Winning Numbers = 20 to 40
Occurrence >= 2 to 4
Applies to [0 to 5] to [0 to 5] in each ticket

Then click to start the processing, and the software will go

Winning Numbers = 20
Occurrence >= 2
Applies to [0] to [0] in each ticket

Winning Numbers = 20
Occurrence >= 2
Applies to [0] to [1] in each ticket

AT SOME POINT IT REACHES (etc, etc, etc):
Winning Numbers = 25
Occurrence >= 3
Applies to [1] to [4] in each ticket

Winning Numbers = 40
Occurrence >= 4
Applies to [5] to [5] in each ticket

Running through all of the possible variable combinations for that specific filter setup and back testing them, allowing a user to basically craft peak performance filters

After that's done, we can add another filter and optimize that filter to work with the already existing optimized filter, that way we are always getting the best of the combined filters

As of right now I basically have to manually adjust filters based on intuition and observation, but I could be missing something, not everyone is so lucky to catch all observations and pick up on the right patterns, and the entire point of software like this is to take luck out of the picture as much as possible, some people are going to win the lottery by pulling numbers out of their head randomly, I'm not what I would consider a lucky person at all, I need to remove luck from the problem as much as possible and find patterns

The feature I'm requesting would allow even a mundane user to create almost perfect filters tailored to their specific lottery and the ranges they want to back test on. You could just leave the software running over night and wake up to a perfectly optimized filter

Thank you again, and I hope I didn't waste your time and you will consider whether the feature is possible and worth looking into implementing

As a just incase here is the source code for WinHunter, it may or may not be of some help to you should you pursue this:
https://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/s ... 8&lngWId=1
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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby tdnl46w » Wed Jan 01, 2020 1:36 am

Expert Lotto doesn't have any features to automatically optimize a filters settings at the moment. The closest features in EL to help optimize filters might be, the complex filter 'Performance' feature and the plug-in 'Automation'.

- The Performance feature runs a complex filter automatically on each winning draw from the winning draws and package tickets you select. It then displays how each winning draw performed. The performance includes prize tiers, profits and number occurrences(ranking) from the package.

- The Automation->Build Filters->Occurrence plug-in, allows you to choose the highest/lowest/percentage filter occurrences for the listed filters. It then creates a new complex filter automatically from the settings. For instance. If you want the best or top 5% of any filter, you enter the percentages and it will create the complex filter(s) for that.

I watched the videos and understand some of what WinHunter(WH) does. I agree that type of automation would be great. It seems that WH is using some math formula's or special preset filters(i.e. Scoring Method->Compound? etc.). EL would need to have these formulas/presets as well, otherwise the results might show the same statistics as the ticket analyzer tables.

Adding to the feature request. I think the best area to implement some kind of filter optimization would be to add it to EL's 'Predictions...' feature. This feature searches for patterns in winning tickets based on the user's settings and displays the best results/trends. It also has some similar functions and GUI setup to WH. So in the EL predictions feature, there could be a new category in Step 2.,->Prediction type:"Optimize Filters" added to the drop down menu. Then in the options window, add settings similar to the Automation plug-in. But instead of creating a complex filter, it would back-test and display the best ticket results or common ticket numbers from the settings/percentages you choose(?).
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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby D1Magnet » Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:03 pm

I also think it would be great if Expert Lotto could automatically optimize the filter parameters that a user initially sets and/or the ability to optimize the prediction settings (again initially set by the user) to find the most successful ticket matches in predictions.

Halfway down the bottom of this thread from 2013 https://expertlotto.com/en/forum/viewto ... ize#p18978 there is some discussion about optimizing the filters.

And thanks to LottoNoob1234 for posting the information on Win Hunter. I found I had to install Visual Basic 6 first & then the VB6 updates, service packs & runtimes, then install Win Hunter as administrator (by dragging the Win Hunter msi onto a bat file set to run as admin) & then run Win Hunter as administrator every time so it would save the stack files it creates.
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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby LottoNoob1234 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:17 pm

D1Magnet wrote:And thanks to LottoNoob1234 for posting the information on Win Hunter. I found I had to install Visual Basic 6 first & then the VB6 updates, service packs & runtimes, then install Win Hunter as administrator (by dragging the Win Hunter msi onto a bat file set to run as admin) & then run Win Hunter as administrator every time so it would save the stack files it creates.

Have you had any luck with small winnings for win hunter?

I lost a bit of money since 2018 and stopped playing completely lol, the software and this forum only recently popped back into my head

I really don't see a point in even trying to play again until expert lotto gets an auto optimization feature so I'm pretty much stuck here just hoping and waiting
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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby tdnl46w » Sun Aug 16, 2020 8:23 am

Looking back at the original post and searching online for more details, I think I understand a little more about what WINHunter does for predicting. There is a similar feature in EL that will allow you to setup(or automate) a way to predict and display the best tickets or numbers for 200+ filters. It is the 'Trend Predictor' filter. The best place(imho) to use the trend predictor filter, is in a Complex Filter. There you will be able to Back-test, display the Performance(prize tiers, numbers hit, profit etc.) and also Run the filter to reduce a package. The EL documentation explains the trend predictor filter very well, but if you need more info, let me know.
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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby LottoNoob1234 » Wed Aug 19, 2020 4:05 am

tdnl46w wrote:Looking back at the original post and searching online for more details, I think I understand a little more about what WINHunter does for predicting. There is a similar feature in EL that will allow you to setup(or automate) a way to predict and display the best tickets or numbers for 200+ filters. It is the 'Trend Predictor' filter. The best place(imho) to use the trend predictor filter, is in a Complex Filter. There you will be able to Back-test, display the Performance(prize tiers, numbers hit, profit etc.) and also Run the filter to reduce a package. The EL documentation explains the trend predictor filter very well, but if you need more info, let me know.

Thank you, didn't expect to get a response from anyone, this forum is kind of dead (or maybe its just the hours that I'm on), I'll test it out the trend predictor

Also I really wish Expert Lotto had a reddit page, this forum seems to have barely any active members, a reddit forum would be way more active which would lead to a larger more interactive community (and also more people finding out about expert lotto and buying it)
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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby D1Magnet » Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:49 pm

Hi LottoNoob1234

I tried some tests on the 014 test stack file that was shown in the youtube video, as some of the stack files tended to use the whole number pool in their predictions. Within the 014 test stack, I ticked all the filters within it, then I tried right clicking on “output” to modify the jackpot cutoff quantity to a lower amount like 20 or 15 hoping to see if the optimized filter stacks would give a lower pool of numbers in the stacks it would then create (rather than the whole lotto pool numbers).

Once this was done, I ran Win Hunter and found it can often give quite good results (as stack files to open up & save) within the first 100 - 200 passes, I also tried 1000 passes (after running this awhile, you get a feel statistically for what to expect under each prize tier column vs number of picks or pool numbers). I then selected & saved some promising looking stacks and reloaded them, ticked all the filters, right clicked the output tab & modified it's settings for a lower jackpot cutoff number (for example) 20 or 15 and re ran Win Hunter again to re optimize my first promising looking stacks (from their results in the prize tier columns).

Once this was done I looked at how they performed under the predictions..view feature, often a chosen stack will have varying pool numbers each draw, but overall it should be within some range you would expect for all the draws eg 9-17 pool numbers for example. This is mostly what I was testing for and seeing.

And as far as the backtested results go (from predictions..view), some draws they hit a winning prize, some draws not so much, but again it depends on the stack, what filters were used in this stack, what parameters it was set up with & were the settings modified or tweaked in any way. In the example above, I only modified the 014 test stack file slightly on the output tab.

Hope this helps!
Last edited by D1Magnet on Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby D1Magnet » Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:59 pm

Hi tdnl46w

Thank you for your reply about the Trend Predictions Filter.

With the Trend Predictions Filter within the Complex Filter setup, I see how it has the backtest tab (to see the success rate of the filter over x amount of draws) and also the performance tab to see the prize breakdown, which are similar features to Win Hunter. I’m wondering how this filter would be similar to Win Hunter’s optimization features though.

The predictions settings tab allows you to enter a min and max pattern size for testing, but how would this be optimizing the filter settings? For example if you choose as the pattern size: min 2 and max 10, is the filter testing predictions within this 2-10 min/max range, and is this what makes it similar to Win Hunter in optimizing a prediction setting? (in this case finding the best predicted value (within 2-10 selected by the user) with a required backtest percentage success rate, along with the pattern matching strictness level & other selections that were chosen for this filter).

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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby tdnl46w » Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:08 am

Hi LottoNoob1234.

LottoNoob1234 wrote:... didn't expect to get a response from anyone, this forum is kind of dead (or maybe its just the hours that I'm on) ...

Glad to help. I've noticed this forum, and other much larger lotto forums, seem to have certain times of the year with more or less activity. This could be due to higher jackpots, vacation times or current events(etc.). EL is also a unique program with a huge amount of options for filtering and statistics. So depending on the post topic, it might take several days or longer to get a response. But if helps get closer to a jackpot, it's worth it. :)
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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby tdnl46w » Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:16 am

Hi D1Magnet.

D1Magnet wrote: ... I’m wondering how this filter would be similar to Win Hunter’s optimization features though. ...

No problem. I was mainly referring to similarities for general predicting(like neural networking) and the way in which the trend predictor filter can automate and display some things. There are slight similarities in EL and WH for the setup of values(number weights, draws etc.) and how you can optimize those. But for specific predictions there are differences. WH uses a list of preset filter conditions for searching past draws, and EL uses pattern matching only. So the trend predictor filter isn't what the original post was asking for, but it does have many filters to combine from and is extremely fast to calculate(edit: in most cases, but with the Performance feature, always start with a small amount of draws).
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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby LottoNoob1234 » Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:25 am

D1Magnet wrote:Hope this helps!

When it comes to WinHunter, not really because I'm done with the program, its too inconsistent, it looks great from hindsight, and if you try to narrow the pool things get bad quickly, and playing a wheel with 15+ numbers for every drawing is a joke strategy

What I need is WinHunter optimization plus ExpertLotto usability

I just checked in to see if you responded, I'm only now at this moment going to test the trend predictor, if I figure something out I'll be sure to tell you and @tdnl46w :D

tdnl46w wrote:.

I'm gonna sound crazy, but are you guys trying any occult applications of the software? :twisted: :lol:

I'm not kidding, I got so desperate at one point I was using the pattern editing feature and looking for ways to arrange the numbers on some kind of occult numerology based pattern chart, surprisingly though a lot of coincidences emerged, but nothing I could predict as I didn't do anything specific

That's just something crazy to think about and try out I guess, I'll keep you posted
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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby D1Magnet » Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:04 pm

Hi tdnl46w, thank you for clarifying the usage of the Trend Predictor filter as an efficient option for prediction & filtering, even though it would be different to the WH process.

I think it’s similarity to WH in prediction, might be how EL’s pattern matching (like neural networking) is similar to WH’s AI module (that is mentioned in the youtube video).

Hi Lottonoob1234

What I need is WinHunter optimization plus ExpertLotto usability

It seems that WH is unique in that it uses it’s own inbuilt filters to optimize from, but presently, this isn’t available within the EL filters to perform exactly like WH.

I haven’t been trying any occult or numerology strategies. Regarding numerology, (reducing the original number to a value between 1-9) you may like to look at the History Sum Root filter in EL. If you find a way to correctly predict the History Sum Root value for as many levels as needed for a low amount of remaining tickets, it’s a very good filter as it dramatically reduces a package quite a lot, but you need to get these numbers (for each level) precisely accurate to find the jackpot ticket.

From tdnl46w’s Available Plugin’s list, you’d need to install the “History Filters (Beta)” plugin

Here is also a forum post on this filter from when it was released viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2360&hilit=history+sum+root&start=15

Good luck with your findings. :D
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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby LottoNoob1234 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:38 am

@tdnl46w @D1Magnet

This may be the last time I'm replying (i'll maybe check again next week to see your response)

Maybe you guys are the "playing for fun" type, but for me throwing thousands down the drain over years was never about fun, I was in it to win it, but its a waste of time, I invested into the Forex market and I'm actually making some profits over time, whereas the lottery is all loss

It just seems like a waste of time to me now, I really thought this software would make a difference, I doubt I'm gonna keep playing

Do you guys do any investing or E-commerce?, I'd much rather get some tips from you in that regard
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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby tdnl46w » Sun Aug 30, 2020 12:36 pm

LottoNoob1234 wrote:... Maybe you guys are the "playing for fun" type, but for me throwing thousands down the drain over years was never about fun, I was in it to win it, but its a waste of time, I invested into the Forex market and I'm actually making some profits over time, whereas the lottery is all loss ...

I started out playing for fun using simple strategies. From there it grew into a detailed analyzing of statistics, which eventually led me to use EL. I'm also in it to win it(or hopeful) but I mostly just play for fun. As for investing, not so fun. I've been in stocks for 10+ years. In my experience, the markets can be just as random/odds as the lotto if your not careful.

LottoNoob1234 wrote:... It just seems like a waste of time to me now, I really thought this software would make a difference, I doubt I'm gonna keep playing ...

EL is like chess. Easy to learn and manipulate, hard to master. I would keep playing. Life's to short to miss a jackpot. :)

For the original post. I would still give the Performance feature and Automation plugin a try. These features should give a better idea on what to look for to optimize EL's filters, and how you can combine them for certain matches/prizes and number rankings.
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Re: Feature Request - Automated Filter Optimization

Postby LottoNoob1234 » Sun Aug 30, 2020 7:46 pm

tdnl46w wrote:I started out playing for fun using simple strategies. From there it grew into a detailed analyzing of statistics, which eventually led me to use EL. I'm also in it to win it(or hopeful) but I mostly just play for fun. As for investing, not so fun. I've been in stocks for 10+ years. In my experience, the markets can be just as random/odds as the lotto if your not careful.

EL is like chess. Easy to learn and manipulate, hard to master. I would keep playing. Life's to short to miss a jackpot. :)

For the original post. I would still give the Performance feature and Automation plugin a try. These features should give a better idea on what to look for to optimize EL's filters, and how you can combine them for certain matches/prizes and number rankings.

ExpertLotto is without a doubt an amazing software, it was literally the first thing I ever bought online, the first purchase I saw value in, and I will never regret that purchase, all other lottery software is trash, it almost feels like an insult to call ExpertLotto "lottery software" because that's like placing it in the same league with the rest of them. ExpertLotto is dependable and accurate and based on math, not random nonsense, but it has to be that great to even be minutely useful for something that is so based on chance

Most people who win tend to win on buying computer generated tickets, so with all our analysis and filtering, some random schmuck who just spent his last few dollars and decided to skip buying a donut for the day is probably more likely to win, that's crazy when you think about it

Also the stock market is way more dependable than the lottery lol, the chances of winning the lottery is 1 in millions, you have way better odds of winning in the stock and forex market with specific strategies

I bought it and I have it, so I guess I'll play around with it every once in a while, but I won't even bother playing again unless I produce a filter system that has a consistent 65+% win rate across years, and if that's not possible, then I'd rather just put my money into forex instead

I'll stay in touch, and good luck, and hey if you win, be sure to tell my that filter strategy lol, maybe I can find some way to apply it to the lottery of my country (it would likely have to be tweaked)
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